Congratulations on the Udmurt Language Day!

Congratulations on the Udmurt Language Day!

This holiday has been celebrated since 2018 – just a year after its introduction, Albert Razin, the great son of the Udmurt nation, will commit self-immolation in order to attract the attention of the whole world to the ethnocide and the aggressive assimilation of the Udmurt people by the Muscovites. Razin understood that a handout to the Udmurts from the Kremlin in the form of the Udmurt Language Day would in no way save the language in the situation of its actual extermination, but would only lull the Udmurts’ distrust of Moscow – so he was determined to take such a radical step. Let his death and the death of thousands of fighters for the free and sovereign Udmurtia not be in vain.

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Today is the Artificial Holodomors (Femine) Victims Remembrance Day

Today is the Artificial Holodomors (Femine) Victims Remembrance Day

On the last Saturday of November, Ukraine commemorates the Holodomors (Femine) Victims Remembrance Day – the day of great grief for every Ukrainian. The Soviet and Russian authorities recognize only the fact of the periods of famine, but not their artificial nature. Although the evidence of the man-made famines is undeniable and is even reflected in Soviet documents.

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Civil “extremism” as a danger to a terrorist state

Civil “extremism” as a danger to a terrorist state

Just the other day there was news that a man, convicted of illegal possession of weapons and attempted robbery, had his sentence reduced to a suspended sentence allegedly only because there were mitigating circumstances – the cat was left at home alone without a breadwinner. This became possible only because the defendant is a stubborn supporter of the Russian regime, and even has money. Nobody cares how many fellow citizens he kills, because he is loyal to the regime.

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The Anti-Imperial Bloc of Nations turned 80 years old

The Anti-Imperial Bloc of Nations turned 80 years old

The formation of the ANB (then Anti-Bolshevik) started at the Conference of the Enslaved Peoples of Eastern Europe and Asia, which took place in Buderazh village, Rivne region of Ukraine from November 21 to 23, 1943, on the initiative of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and under the protection of its military wing – the departments of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).

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Drifter from Yar Chally VS Tornado K-53958 based on KAMAZ-53958

Our hero was chasing a Zhiguli car circling in a heavy military armored vehicle. Thanks to our drifter. A bonus from the Free Idel-Ural for damaging occupation equipment is assured for him. We do not name the hero; anonymity is important in our case.

If you want more of this, we have a Donations section, where we accumulate funds not only to support our social networks and website, but also to pay bonuses to those who do not yet share the views of our movement for independence, but are ready to help for a certain amount of money.

Gradually, learning the Tatar language will be made paid

Gradually, learning the Tatar language will be made paid

That is, to be Tatars, you will have to not only give Moscow the resources of the republic and your fellow countrymen to its Janissary army, but also to pay with your own pocket for the Tatar children to know their native language. And when the level of Russification increases even more, the Tatar language will be forbidden. It may be unspoken, but it will be prohibited. It will become impossible to study it even for a fee: as now, for example, even a paid Belarusian, Romanian, Georgian or Ukrainian school cannot be opened in Russia. Even libraries in these languages are prohibited. Although there is no official ban, it is impossible to open them, since riot police will immediately arrive.

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Will reason win?

Vladimir Milov’s answer to Ruslan Gabbasov’s question about compensation to the nations of Russia for centuries-old genocide committed by the imperial authorities and why Moscow liberals are so afraid of debates with the representatives of the national liberation and regionalist movements.
On November 13, a meeting between Milov and the representatives of the Russian opposition took place in Vilnius (Lithuania). Vladimir Milov presented a project for the future Russia, which he wrote together with Fyodor Krashennikov entitled Normal Russia of the Future: Yes, We Can.

Well, we go again and again! Again, attempts by the Russian opposition (“good Russians”) to explore the theoretical possibility of reforming “imperial Russia” into “liberal-democratic Russia.” Probably, many of them understand (they are not complete fools after all) that attempts are futile, have already been repeatedly rejected by practice, contradict logic, but… but still they cannot give up the love for the “greatness” of their homeland. Even if this greatness differs from Putin’s-Patrushev’s or Mashkov’s-Mikhalkov’s.

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We need media activists

We need media activists

Only people who join our partisan cells are not enough. Our network should be much wider. It is exactly OUR network with YOU, because we do not exist in isolation from you: we are you – the Free Idel-Ural movement includes representatives of each of the peoples of the Volga region and the Ural. We do not reflect the mind of only one specific people, but try to take into account the opinions of all the indigenous peoples of our region. Therefore, we should not just be aware – we should be omnipresent.

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A picket was held in Kazan demanding the dismissal of officials whose children do not know the Tatar language

A picket was held in Kazan demanding the dismissal of officials whose children do not know the Tatar language

An activist of the “Azatlyk”, the Tatar Youth Union, came to Bauman street with a poster. It was an excellent demand, but the Rashists immediately began foaming at the mouth and convulsing. Because a Russian-speaking jaw will not be able to fit into the Tatar language. Some even began posting appeals to Putin on VKontakte, demanding the denazification of Tatarstan and Chechnya, where they recently began to remove officials who do not know the Chechen language. Nail Nabiullin, the leader of the “Azatlyk” organization,  said that the Chechen idea is worth adopting.

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“Who should one be, a Nazi or a fascist?” In Kazan, Putin’s soldiers are not allowed into restaurants and nightclubs because of their military uniforms

Several establishments turned them down together. Yesterday, at least three videos circulated on Z-channels in Kazan with men in military uniforms of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, who are trying to get into nightlife establishments, but the employees ask the military to go home and change clothes.

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