A family from Yar Chally gave their daughter a triple name: Russia-Svyatosiya-Svyatorossiya

The eldest son is called Priroda (Nature), and the hurrah-patriot mother`s name is Rodushka. Previously, the girl’s parents lived in the forest, but other hermits drove them out of there.
The girl will be called Russia as a short name.
Well, there are many other creative names, including for boys: Denazifier, Black Bag, Denationalizer, Chmonya, Boy in Panties… For girls: Ladushka Belaya (White), Widow=Soldier, Waiting Woman… The name should correspond to the trends of the times!
Yes, cringe and madness run the show. Although now the Tatars have the right to say that Russia was born in Tatarstan and therefore no Russians are in charge in this state)))
And when she grows up and gets married, preferably to a man with the last name Post. To be Post Russia.
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