A fragment of a free republic in the imperial depths

A fragment of a free republic in the imperial depths

In Izhkar, sculptures are dressed for the New Year, whose characters are amongst the symbols of the insurrectional movement against the Galactic Empire. Probably Brechalov did not watch these movies.The imperial wilderness is not bad. Rebellion always originates where people’s lives are more difficult. Ferix was such an imperial wilderness. But it became the core of the uprising. Yes, it is just a movie, but it is based on historical experience about the birth and death of empires.

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The Anti-Imperial Bloc of Nations turned 80 years old

The Anti-Imperial Bloc of Nations turned 80 years old

The formation of the ANB (then Anti-Bolshevik) started at the Conference of the Enslaved Peoples of Eastern Europe and Asia, which took place in Buderazh village, Rivne region of Ukraine from November 21 to 23, 1943, on the initiative of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and under the protection of its military wing – the departments of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).

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