The program of the future of the independent Tatarstan

The program of the future of the independent Tatarstan

The government of Tatarstan in exile published the plan of action to gain control over Tatarstan after the de-occupation of the territory of the republic. Here is the full text of the document.

– Announcement of the establishment of the Independence Councils (Мөстакыйллек Шуралары) in all cities and villages of the Republic of Tatarstan and the direct appointment of the heads of these bodies (Мөстәкыйллек Шуралары Рәисләре) by the Government of Independent Tatarstan. The functions of these authorities will include the registration and control of all members of the state and security forces of the former government, the staffing of the security forces of the new government and the preparation for the elections of all branches of representative government.

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Three cops, who tortured the detainee to suicide, were released In Nizhnekamsk

Three cops, who tortured the detainee to suicide, were released In Nizhnekamsk

Three years ago, 22-year-old Ilnaz Pirkin was tortured to confess to 47 thefts. They put a gas mask on his head and blocked the valve so that he could not breathe. Ilnaz committed suicide after recording a video about how he was abused. The court gave five cops from 6 to 11 years in prison, and now three of them are released, allegedly for lack of offence.

That is, one should not even go to Wagner if he is a person from the system – he will be released anyway after everybody has calmed down and forgotten about this. They will resign themselves.

Many people have reconciled themselves with  the occupation, and they will accept this lawlessness all the more.

The main thing is discipline!

The main thing is discipline!

Military discipline – it is such a thing! It is incomprehensible to civilian compatriots, and even is immediately acceptable not to all military men. Some people come to the service and think that they will receive the usual civil treatment here … That they will be surrounded with respect and attention, like a mother-in-law who has come to visit! Yep, that is clearly not the case! Not at all! Therefore, different excesses happen, which do not require a loud announcement to the whole wide world.

On the one hand, all these arriving recruits can be right, like the newly recruited person from Moscow region who yelled at the colonel. Why are they not preparing us for military operations, so that we are like the American Rambo, but they have been forcing us to march along the parade ground for ten days? The question is certainly correct, but if our hero quietly approached the colonel and politely asked … so and so, is it possible to get individual explanations about the design of the given automatic small arms? Or about which side the RPG-7 shoots from? Maybe everything would be all right, maybe our military man would have ended up to serve in a quiet place, far away from the front, and not behind bars for five years … But what can you do, countrymen, only a superior chief or inspector from the inspectorate who arrived at the unit has the right to scold an army colonel loudly. The summoned comrade did not think and violated military subordination, and he paid for that.

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Taliban and Dugin, Minnikhanov and Gundyaev. What do they all have in common? They are all in Kazan today

Taliban and Dugin, Minnikhanov and Gundyaev. What do they all have in common? They are all in Kazan today

As Dugin said, they are gathered to sell braces to each other. The empire cannot be united if there is no common idea, which should be kind of encroached on by a common enemy. “Traditional values”, binding together Buryat and Karelian, Ingush and Evenk, Tatar, Chaldon, Koryak, Moksha and hundreds of other nations, are chosen as such a common idea. And the Taliban just came to look for funding, in addition to the Chinese one.

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Today is the Day of the beginning of the Crimean Tatars deportation 

Today is the Day of the beginning of the Crimean Tatars deportation 

The ethnic cleansing destroyed up to 46% of this nation. Many people died on the way to the exile and in the first years after the exile. The occupying Soviet authorities did not even list the Crimean Tatars in the population census. It is as if they never existed. All cities and villages of the Crimea were renamed so that they would not have Crimean Tatar names. This was genocide. Conscious and planned. The Crimean Tatars were able to start returning home only in 1989, with the beginning of the collapse of the USSR.

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Pedophiles and maniacs are the traditional values of Russia

Pedophiles and maniacs are the traditional values of Russia

Two lessons with veterans of the imperial war were held during a day in Bashkortostan. Idel.Realii reports about this. But this is only part of the events in schools that the correspondents of this source were able to track.

In fact, such “lessons” take place every day in all the republics of Volga region and in neighboring regions. So far, not in every school and not in every district – because not all schools will have enough valiant imperial warriors, since the losses in the war are great. But, as the rashists come back from the front,  such “lessons” will be held in an increasing number of schools.

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In Tatarstan, a father abandoned 5 children in order to die for the king

In Tatarstan, a father abandoned 5 children in order to die for the king

Because “it should be done”. The empire is above the family. Vyacheslav Demyanov has two children of his own and three adopted ones. He was mobilized when he had not yet become a foster parent and was listed as the father of two children. The wife discouraged her husband from going to war, but he did not even want to listen – he ran to serve at the first call of the king.

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Tatar interest

<strong>Tatar interest</strong>

Many of the Tatars fighting for Moscow do this not because of Russian patriotism, but because of the habit of honoring ranks, out of respect for the opinion of a senior person / boss, showing honor to “big people”. Respect for ideological idols may be absent, it does not give anything to the Tatar, either morally or materially, and is perceived simply as rubbish. But ideological emptiness can sometimes give rise to very unpleasant things.

You read the Tatar media and plunge into the illusory world of the Tatar prosperity. Silence, tranquility and God’s grace! Only sometimes, for a change, it is diluted with everyday trifles like family scandals or illegal exploitation of birds by Kazan animators. Then there are “critical” articles about environmental violations (and who does not have them?), a message that Tatarstan took the third place in the ranking of regions according to social and economic situation after Moscow and St. Petersburg (oh, it is good to live in Russian country!) and the top news – “They will spend 20 million rubles on curbs and borders In Almetyevsk” … Not a word about the war! There is no war! Everyone is ordered to smile merrily and be proud of life in the prosperous Tatar abode of peace and diligence.

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A nation lives as long as there are people who are ready to fight for it

A nation lives as long as there are people who are ready to fight for it

In Sibay, in the square named after Akhmet-Zaki Validi, a bulldozer leveled the place where the monument to the Bashkir statesman used to be. Ruslan Gabbasov reports this.

We remind you that in St. Petersburg, the monument to Validi was demolished back in 2021. Now the name of the national hero of the Bashkirs is being erased from the map already in Bashkortostan.

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Ufa was given old trams from Moscow

Ufa was given old trams from Moscow

One could understand this if Ufa had no money and more successful cities simply helped others, less successful ones. However, Moscow takes Ufa’s money. With this money, it buys new trams for itself, and Ufa residents use the old ones. What is an old tram? It is more frequent repairs, less comfortable conditions, more maintenance costs. That is additional expenses from the budget.

Ufa, for sure, will give away its even older trams to Donbas, representing this as a charity, although it simply does not want to spend money on their disposal. They will also steal something from this, promising to repair it at the expense of Ufa residents, and then they will send them to Donbas “as they are” to be repaired there.

How does Tatarstan “restore” Donbas?

How does Tatarstan “restore” Donbas?

 Public transportation consisting of 5 buses began to run in Lisichansk. In the city where 100 thousand people lived previously, 5 buses are enough for the current population. After all, all local buses were either destroyed or sold by marauders to the same Tatarstan, and returned back in the form of “humanitarian aid”, and  they even demanded gratitude from the locals. At the same time, they were paid for from the budget of Tatarstan.

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