They want Muslims to be afraid of mosques

They want Muslims to be afraid of mosques

No, it is not Photoshop. This is Kolomna near Moscow. Juma-Namaz. The Chekists  revel in their impunity so much that people in uniform “preach” even right in the mosques, standing at the minbar!

We appeal to muftis. By your actions, using religion and the mosque for the purposes and interests of Russia, an Islamophobic state that consistently persecutes Muslims, you are taking yourselves out of Islam. You put yourselves on a par with the godless Chekists, with military commissars and cops. You are legitimate targets for every Muslim, you are legitimate targets for all anti-colonial resistance. You are not muftis – you are prostitutes of the Chekists, you are no different from the “patriarch” Kirill and his special priests from the “Russian Orthodox Church” gang.


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