How does Tatarstan “restore” Donbas?
Public transportation consisting of 5 buses began to run in Lisichansk. In the city where 100 thousand people lived previously, 5 buses are enough for the current population. After all, all local buses were either destroyed or sold by marauders to the same Tatarstan, and returned back in the form of “humanitarian aid”, and they even demanded gratitude from the locals. At the same time, they were paid for from the budget of Tatarstan.
In Rubizhne, the “situation is better” — 60,000 people lived there previously, and now there are “about” 10,000. Now the task is to hound these 10 thousand from there or re-educate them into Russians.
Donbas is an industrial region. There are a lot of plants, mines, factories there. All of them (if they survived) are being stolen and all equipment is being taken out. It is being sold in Tatarstan as well. Then money is allegedly allocated from the budget of Tatarstan for restoration. Part of this money is also being stolen, and the smallest amount is going for some kind of restoration, but even then it is for a reason, if the locals agree for some kind of “cooperation” with the occupiers.
It was Donbas where the main part of the 74,000 Tatar diaspora in Ukraine lived. So Tatarstan itself, with the hands of its own people, destroys and eliminates the Tatar diaspora. So that they either become Russian, or liberate the territory for the expanding living space of Russians.
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