The program of the future of the independent Tatarstan

The government of Tatarstan in exile published the plan of action to gain control over Tatarstan after the de-occupation of the territory of the republic. Here is the full text of the document.
– Announcement of the establishment of the Independence Councils (Мөстакыйллек Шуралары) in all cities and villages of the Republic of Tatarstan and the direct appointment of the heads of these bodies (Мөстәкыйллек Шуралары Рәисләре) by the Government of Independent Tatarstan. The functions of these authorities will include the registration and control of all members of the state and security forces of the former government, the staffing of the security forces of the new government and the preparation for the elections of all branches of representative government.
– Announcement of the termination of the powers of all state authorities and security forces (except for members of structures for the execution of sentences) of the Republic of Tatarstan as part of the Russian Federation, with a mandatory ban on members of these structures from leaving the territory of official residence and a mandatory visit for signature once a week to the Independence Councils of cities and villages of the Republic of Tatarstan.
– Establishment of the State Lustration Organization of the Republic of Tatarstan (Дәүләт Чистарыну Оешмасы), whose function will include investigating activities (if necessary, imposing a ban on holding public office) and controlling all members of the former state bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan (Federal Security Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Penitentiary Service, Armed Forces, judicial, prosecutorial bodies, executive and representative authorities, etc.) with the involvement of foreign experts (for example, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) and international bodies. People who previously committed crimes against the Tatar people or were engaged in aggressive propaganda of the occupation regime values would be given the opportunity to avoid punishment or receive minimal punishment if they would repent and actively contribute to the establishment of the power of the Independent Government of Tatarstan on the territory of Tatarstan.
– Initiation and completion of all procedures for Tatarstan’s accession to all international institutions (UN, OSCE, PACE, OIC, UNESCO, UNICEF, Committee against Torture, Organization of Turkic States, etc.) to control international institutions for the observance of the rights of all citizens in Free Tatarstan.
– Initiation and completion of procedures for Tatarstan’s accession to NATO.
– Declaring the Tatar language as the state language and Tatars as a state-forming nation with the initiation of all necessary measures for this with the formation of a special state body – the Ministry of the Native Language Return (Туган Телне Кайтару Вәзирияте) with the function of developing a plan and monitoring the implementation of the transition of all state institutions to the Tatar language during approximately 10-15 years.
– Restoration of the representative body of power of the Tatar people – “МИЛЛИ МӘҖЛЕС”, endowed with prevailing legislative functions, by holding popular elections among the Tatar people.
– Establishment of a representative body of all nationalities of Tatarstan – “МИЛЛӘТЛӘР МӘҖЛЕСЕ”, endowed with advisory legislative functions, by holding elections among Tatarstanians of all nationalities who became citizens of Tatarstan after completion of special procedures established by law.
– Restoration of the national social movement – ALL-TATARS PUBLIC CENTER and the establishment of other national organizations, where all interested Tatars can join and which will be endowed with the function of regulating and controlling the activities of state bodies. In these people’s organizations, active civil servants will not have the right to hold positions and be representatives. The priority of the activities of these organizations will be an impartial assessment of the activities of state bodies and the right to apply to international institutions in case of violations.
– Development and implementation of a control system for security forces with the study and use of the experience of countries that have achieved success in this matter, providing for strict observance of laws and the impossibility of unreasonable repressions, torture, arrests, etc. for national, religious and other discriminatory motives.
– Issuance of a passport of a citizen of Tatarstan to all Tatars, regardless of place of residence, if Tatar origin is proven.
– Issuance of a permanent residence permit or a gray passport to residents of Tatarstan of non-Tatar nationalities. A prerequisite for obtaining a Tatarstan passport for non-Tatar nationalities of Tatarstan will be passing an exam in the Tatar language and a brief history (with the exception of elderly people who have no relatives and have not committed crimes against the Tatar people in the past or have children who have a Tatarstan passport).
– The maximum desire to conclude agreements on a visa-free regime with the countries of the world and favor the “openness” of society and the development of the tourism business.
– Creation of a financial system providing for accrual % of income from the sale of energy resources to children under 18 that can be spent on the purchase of housing, land, education and business.
– To develop and implement a program for creating their own national currency (possibly cryptocurrencies) together with the experts of the financial system.
– Providing the population with completely free education from preschool age up to the university. Creation of a flexible and convenient system that provides for full state provision of school supplies. Five-day preschool and school education in the Tatar language with mandatory additional study of English, General Turkic (Turkish) and Arabic (at the choice of one of the languages by parents). Maximum state support for the opening of private schools, secondary vocational schools and universities, followed by adequate control by state bodies over the curriculum and the educational process.
– Creation of a state system for children to play sports in all educational institutions, providing free supply of everything necessary for sports.
– Equipment of all educational institutions with premises for the implementation of the religious needs of students.
– Organization of a state social security system that provides for the pensions rising to the level of pensions of the most developed countries in terms of social security (for example, the Baltic countries with a minimum pension of 200-250 euros). State provision for the poor, stipulating affordable housing, transportation and food in accordance with the level of income of each person. Providing pensions to people who retired under the occupation authorities, if they did not commit crimes against the Tatar people and were not engaged in aggressive propaganda of the values of the occupation regime. The activities of people who committed crimes against the Tatar people and were engaged in aggressive propaganda of the values of the occupation regime will be investigated by the State Lustration Organization and, depending on the severity of the crimes, they will be subjected to material punishment, followed by the provision of the most minimal pension when they become elderly. When calculating pensions, the time worked during the occupation power will be taken into account.
– Lustration with the help of the State Lustration Organization of all religious organizations of Tatarstan. Reformation of all religious organizations through the creation of the State Council for Religious Affairs (Татарстан Җөмһүрияте Дин Эшләре Шурасы).
– Creation of the Armed Forces of Tatarstan (Татарстан Кораллы Көчләре – Татарстан Гаскәре) on a contract basis in peacetime, with recruitment of people from the age of 21 years old. Also mandatory for all men is military training for 2 months in their district of residence, from the age of 18 to 21 years old (optional) in the summer and as military training with days off.
– Development and implementation of the state medical insurance system, which provides for completely free and high-quality basic medical care for the entire population. Facilitating the opening and development of private medical institutions with adequate control over their activities by state bodies.
– Ensuring the organization of studying the cultural heritage of the Tatar and other indigenous peoples and favoring cultural education and self-identification of peoples on an international scale.
– With the active participation of experts, development and implementing a program to cure the society of diseases that arose during a long occupation, providing for the decommunization and de-Sovietization of thinking, the eradication of racism, rashism, xenophobia and Islamophobia, as well as other forms of intolerance.
– Development and implementation of a program for the repatriation of Tatars from all over the world, providing assistance in material costs, accommodation, teaching the native language, culture, providing work, housing and education.
– State regulation of labor resources with the prospect of providing jobs, with the transition to a 4-day work week in the future with the salary of a 5-day work week, as well as the maximum favor for the development of small, medium and large private businesses.
– When planning the development of agriculture – the aspiration for complete food self-sufficiency. Creating a program and implementation of measures for the state encouragement of small entrepreneurship in agriculture, aimed at full food self-sufficiency of Tatarstan.
– The transition of Tatar writing to the Latin alphabet with the active participation of linguistic scientists by developing a program by the Ministry of the Native Language Return and its implementation. Maximum state favor and assistance in the study, spread and use of the Arabic script of the Tatar writing.
– State guarantees for financing significant environmental projects (for example, switching to waste separation and its high-quality processing, recultivation of landfills, cleaning of reservoirs and releasing fish, stopping deforestation and planting new tree seedlings).
– Development and implementation of an anti-corruption program that provides punishment for corruption as imprisonment for long periods with the seizure of all property and a ban on further work in government structures. The implementation of the rotation of civil servants and the suppression of nepotism when admitting to the civil service by creating a system for examining kinship and other relations (for example, questioning) of applicants and passing state exams.
– Maximum favor for the development of technologies and especially innovative ones. Creation of a system for studying and adopting the experience of advanced countries in all spheres of life.
– The state’s focus on the development of transport and infrastructure, which provides for the development of regional flights, the development of high-speed train lines, the development of a network of freight and passenger traffic, the asphalting of all roads in villages and free roads.
– With the help of the Ministry of the Native Language Return, the organization of translating all scientific literature into the Tatar language and the de-Russification of the Tatar language in scientific and other fields. Creation of Tatar state scientific institutes in all branches of science, with a special emphasis on the study and restoration of true history.
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