The Free Nations League condemns a new wave of searches and arrests of Tatars in Russia

The Free Nations League condemns a new wave of searches and arrests of Tatars in Russia

The Federal Security Service carries out searches and arrests among activists of the Tatar national movement. Within four days, Russian security officers came to search four activists of the national movement: Rail Sadriev, Enghel Fattakhov, Rafik Karimullin, Zinnur Akhliullin. Fattakhov was arrested. Theater figure Sadriev was prohibited from going on stage and communicating with colleagues. What happened to Karimullin and Akhliullin is still unknown.

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Sanctions are not effective – their consequences are

Sanctions are not effective – their consequences are

In Sterlitamak on Artyom str., 68 another elevator fell. This happened on May 16, but the media only started writing about it now. This time there was a 16-year-old girl in the elevator, and she survived flying at least 7 floors. She got off with a concussion and a compression fracture of the spine, her mother says, that her daughter was discharged three days later, without even much treatment or telling her what to do next. The elevator was not repaired after that.

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“Today, we have no allies in the struggle against rushism, except for Ukraine”: the outcomes of the Rights of the Colonized Nations of the Russian Federation international conference

“Today, we have no allies in the struggle against rushism, except for Ukraine”: the outcomes of the Rights of the Colonized Nations of the Russian Federation international conference

On May 17, the Rights of the Colonized Nations of the Russian Federation international conference was held in Kyiv, organized by the special commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for interaction with national liberation movements together with Free Nations League.

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Moscow is trying to intercept and destroy the decolonization agenda in the West in the bud

Moscow is trying to intercept and destroy the decolonization agenda in the West in the bud

For the Gerber holiday, in honor of the end of spring field work, the occupation officials of Udmurtia received the task of organizing an “Udmurt-Tatar-Chuvash-Russian holiday” in Geneva on May 18. To demonstrate that the colonized nations do not suffer from the Moscow yoke at all, but quite the opposite – they themselves want it, because they cannot and do not want to exist without it.

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Izhkar may be evacuated due to drone production

Izhkar may be evacuated due to drone production

This month Izhvodokanal posted evacuation instructions written last year. This enterprise is very close to the Italmas shopping center, where Iranian kamikaze drones are being manufactured. Instead of moving production closer to Moscow, so that Muscovites get retaliatory attacks. Well, it is very convenient! You set up military production in the capitals of unwanted republics, then evacuate their population somewhere to remote areas, and leave the city for yourself. And there is no need for official deportation – they will leave on their own.

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“Furious” is flying to you

“Furious” is flying to you

Let the Bashkorts argue with the Tatars as much as they want, defending their cultural sovereignty and mental identity, but I always have in stock a deadly and impenetrable argument in favor of the Tatars. If we compare our two fools, who, by the will of political chance, found themselves at the pinnacle of power – their Khabirov and our Minnikhanov – then our fool still seems a little less of an idiot! This is confirmed by the situation with the recent hit of a Ukrainian drone at the Salavatov Oil Refinery, located 1,500 km from the front line.

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Kremlin public pages say that thanks to Mari El, there will soon be drinking water Novomlynivka 

Kremlin public pages say that thanks to Mari El, there will soon be drinking water Novomlynivka 

This is the Zaporizhzhya region, where Marvodstroy workers have already laid 3 km of water supply system and brought powerful generators for water pumps. Although in Mari El itself there are dozens of villages where not only no water has been supplied, but there are not even plans for such a thing. Not to mention the problems with city water supplies. Why are they laying it to Novomlynivka? For locals? There are almost none of them left there – many fled so as not to be in the company of the “benefactors” of the Russian world.

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The story about a native of Chuvashia who became a Ukrainian IPSO, or the Broken Navigator of Childhood

The story about a native of Chuvashia who became a Ukrainian IPSO, or the Broken Navigator of Childhood

Yuriy Galushko, a Kharkov resident, got married in 2013 and began to live with his wife in neighboring Belgorod, where he worked as a security guard at a metal structures plant and had two children during a decade and a half of their marriage.

Over the years, Yuriy`s eyesight became poor, but he did not have money for the operation. Vision is very important for a security guard – he cannot live without it. In addition, Yuriy loved to read and could not live without books. He decided to join the army, because they promised large payments. Thus Galushko ended up in the 10th Tank Regiment of the 8th Army of the Southern Military District and was assigned to military unit 24314 near Aleksandrovka, the area of ​​Valuyki town (Kupyansk direction of the front). Soon he was awarded the junior sergeant rank.

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An important reform of the publishing industry: in the districts of Bashkortostan they began to devote entire pages to obituaries

An important reform of the publishing industry: in the districts of Bashkortostan they began to devote entire pages to obituaries

Previously, they tried to scatter one piece of news into different editions so that the scale of losses would not be so obvious. Now a newspaper page has been allocated for the information about the funerals.

Young Bashkirs and Tatars, who have not yet had time to create families and give birth to offspring, are killed daily. All this is with the goal that Putin could play hockey in an underground bunker, enjoy oxygen cocktails and massage parlors in his residence for another 6 years.

Children of the Jackal

Children of the Jackal

I am reading on Free Idel-Ural website, “The parents of this guy from Tatarstan gave him the usual name – Aidar. But Aidar’s mental health was violated back in childhood, and then, under the influence of imperial and communist propaganda, he grew up to be a total psychopath. Having reached the age of majority, Aidar changed his details and became Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, born in 1989. In honor of one of the leaders of the Bolshevik executioners during the Great Terror carried out by the Soviet regime.”

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