Пурне те уяв ячӗпе, Чӑваш Республикин кунӗ ячӗпе саламлатӑп!

Пурне те уяв ячӗпе, Чӑваш Республикин кунӗ ячӗпе саламлатӑп!

The Chuvash Republic exists NOT thanks to Lenin, as Russia teaches us, but IN SPITE of it. Only thanks to the efforts and perseverance of the Chuvash nation, their desire to assimilate and disappear, Moscow had to make concessions. -It was only by their own will that the Chuvash were able to CHOOSE for themselves this form of statehood in the form of a Republic.

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Not anti-migrant raids, but anti-Muslim policy

Not anti-migrant raids, but anti-Muslim policy

On June 21, in Oktyabrsky, immediately after prayer, the mosque was cordoned off by Russian punitive forces, declaring that they had come to “a place of mass gathering of illegal migrants.” It turns out that migrants no longer gather somewhere in the workplace, for which, in fact, they go to the Russian Federation – it turns out that they all come here because there are no mosques in their motherland and they can  pray just here?

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There is no longer official ethnography in the Russian Federation

There is no longer official ethnography in the Russian Federation

Today the so-called “Volga is the River of Peace” XXIII International ethnic and cultural expedition-festival ended. So-called, because this time it was not at all engaged with its direct duties of studying folk art, but was identifying possible ways of influencing peoples and options for their stronger unification around the imperial war. The expedition was only interested in the creativity of the Mankurts – aimed at dissolving ethnic groups among the Russians.

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“Varyags” continue to appear in Bashkortostan

“Varyags” continue to appear in Bashkortostan

They are  going to appoint a new deputy head, Elena Tenyaeva from Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, to the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Gradually promoting the rejection of national republics, Moscow is trying (before the start of the process of their liquidation) to appoint more of its “Varyags” to the republics, since it does not trust any of the locals, no matter what last mankurts they may be.

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Volga is the river of the world: history repeats itself

Volga is the river of the world: history repeats itself

Ethnic and cultural expeditions should now get blessings from the Russian Orthodox Church so that the “devil does not mislead” them to identify in the cultures of the peoples of Idel-Ural some ethnographic and cultural features that contrast these peoples to the Moscow occupiers or demonstrate the isolation and integrity of folk cultures that do not need Moscow “patronage” to develop independently.

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Soldiers win battles, economies win wars

Soldiers win battles, economies win wars

Money is the lifeblood of the economy. It is clear that for many Russians with a garbage IQ (a cohort of devoted listeners of Dmitry Alcoholyevich Medvedev), this maxim means nothing, and they have not yet noticed any changes. One can continue to repeat, “I’m not interested in the dollar exchange rate, I do not have dollars!” But the news about the US policy towards de-dollarization of Russia is important news today.

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Reparations by languages ​​and history

Reparations by languages ​​and history

One of the forms of reparations for the occupation that the Moscow state will have to pay to the national republics after the Russian Federation disintegration could well be humanitarian and political.

We all know that the historical territory of Muscovy has extremely few resources, and besides Moscow itself, infrastructure and industry are extremely undeveloped everywhere. It is obvious that reparation payments will drag on for a couple of centuries, no less. However, they are needed as quickly as possible. There is one way out of the situation – to demand part of the reparations in the form of knowledge. If previously all the colonies of Moscow studied only its language and its history, even if distorted and twisted, then after the empire disintegration there will be a chance to organize the reverse process – to force the population of the Moscow state to study the languages ​​​​and history of the nations it once conquered.

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We deploy the submarine and look at the Admiralteyskaya Sloboda: real life in the center of Kazan

We deploy the submarine and look at the Admiralteyskaya Sloboda: real life in the center of Kazan

While the submarine named K561 Kazan is entertaining the elderly Cuban Communist Party, let’s see what the Admiralteyskaya Sloboda (Bezhbolda) looks like in the very center of Kazan.

The choice of this microdistrict was not made by chance – it is not only the central part of the city, where there is a shameful mural to Ivan IV the conqueror, but the settlement itself is completely connected with the fleet and its history.

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The time capsule that has been taken out in Ufa is the party’s falsification

The time capsule that has been taken out in Ufa is the party’s falsification

In the capital of Bashkortostan, during the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the city, a time capsule was opened, laid 50 years ago by the authorities of the still Soviet city. The real “time capsule” of those years is a plaque that was found bricked up in the wall during the renovation of the Nizhny Tagil Drama Theater. Prisoners                 I.L.Kozhin, R.G.Sharipov, Yu.N.Nigmatullin wrote their message to their descendants on March 15, 1954, in which they told that the theater for the prosperous country of the Soviets had not been built by Komsomol brigades, but by slaves of the ХХ century – on whose bones and blood were built both the Russian Empire and the USSR.

“Greetings to the coming generation, and may your life and your era not know slavery and the humiliation of man by man,” the message says.

Nobody owes Chuvash anything

While Nikolaev  doubles again the bonuses for himself and his team, residents of Maldykasy village, Vurnarsky district, collected 40,000 rubles and built the bridge on their own.

Here you are. You should collect for the Crimean Bridge, and collect for Moscow, and collect for Nikolaev, and get ready for someone else’s war, but in the end, nobody owes Chuvash anything – only Chuvash owes everyone.

What does “great Russian literature” say about how and why Bashkortostan was conquered and subdued

What does “great Russian literature” say about how and why Bashkortostan was conquered and subdued

How they conquered and subdued:

“The Bashkir stepped over the threshold with difficulty (he was in the stock) and, taking off his high hat, stopped at the door. I looked at him and shuddered. I will never forget this man. He seemed to be over seventy years old. He had neither a nose nor ears. His head was shaved; instead of a beard, several gray hairs stuck out; he was short, skinny and hunched; but his narrow eyes still sparkled with fire. “Ehe! – the commandant said, recognizing, by his terrible signs, one of the rebels punished in 1741. – Well, you are obviously an old wolf, you have been in our traps. Probably, this is not the first time you have rebelled, since your head is so smoothly shaved. Come a little closer; tell me, who sent you?”

The old Bashkir was silent […]

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