Not anti-migrant raids, but anti-Muslim policy

On June 21, in Oktyabrsky, immediately after prayer, the mosque was cordoned off by Russian punitive forces, declaring that they had come to “a place of mass gathering of illegal migrants.” It turns out that migrants no longer gather somewhere in the workplace, for which, in fact, they go to the Russian Federation – it turns out that they all come here because there are no mosques in their motherland and they can pray just here?
It is absolutely clear that under the guise of anti-migrant raids there is an anti-Muslim policy hidden, otherwise they would not attack mosques, but would wait for migrants at the entrance to their workplaces or places of residence. And even more so, then no one would put pressure on Muslims from the indigenous population – they would immediately check everyone’s documents to know who is where. This is not the first raid against Muslims in this city. And not the last, although Russians constitute no more than 40% in the city. For now. While they have not yet driven the rest away.
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