Bridge and occupation
While the Russians were building a new strategic railway in Bashkortostan, the last Soviet bridge collapsed near Mariupol. This is what 30 years of Ukrainian occupation means – nothing was built, nothing was repaired and only the Soviet heritage was used, and now they have lost the last bridge.
Oh, on the contrary.
While the Muscovites were building, with the money of the Bashkorts and other indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, the strategic railway to the captured Crimea through the captured Azov region (since they know that the Crimean bridge does not have long to live, and other sections of the railways were destroyed by the Rushists themselves or are under fire), in Төпсән, the Bashkort village, in Күгәрсен district, the last normal bridge collapsed, which was strengthened from the flood just a month ago and the population was told that “safety comes first.” Attentive builders even filled Google maps with beautiful photos of the “repaired” bridge – the pride of the village.
“Hello! Native Bashkortostan!”, it is written so. But it should be like this, “Our native Bashkortostan is dying!” The bridge was only built in 2011, but it is falling down as if it were just an embellished Soviet one and is already 70 years old. Perhaps this is so.
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