In Kazan they refused to name a street after Kadyrov

In Kazan they refused to name a street after Kadyrov

The toponymic commission of the capital of Tatarstan refused activist Dmitry Rumyantsev’s suggestion to name streets in the city after Boris Yeltsin and Ramzan Kadyrov, referring to difficulties with the allocation of funds and the dissatisfaction of local residents. The Kazan authorities responded with the same refusal, referring to the law that at least 10 years should pass after the death of an outstanding personality.

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Instead of real Erzya heroes, they now have to be proud of the imposed fictional Moscow ones

Instead of real Erzya heroes, they now have to be proud of the imposed fictional Moscow ones

Farmers from Otyazhele Veles, Atyashevsky district, decided to support the story about Peresvet, a Russian monk-warrior who allegedly defeated the Horde Chetlubey in single combat during the Battle of Kulikovo. Historians consider Peresvet, Chetlubey, and the Battle of Kulikovo itself to be fiction, but this does not in the least hinder lovers of alternative history.

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There is nothing personal

There is nothing personal

Some nights in some Russian territories from a certain point may become not entirely cozy and calm. What is the cause? And think for yourself

A couple of days ago, Russian planes attacked the Epicenter construction supermarket in Kharkov with two guided bombs. Of course, no one intended to harm peaceful Ukrainian citizens and civil infrastructure. The task was to hit American military instructors and CIA agents hiding among cans of paint, as well as the “UAV assembly base”… Well, the one in the plumbing department, among the faucets and toilets! It was there, according to Russian military analysts, that the Khokhols (Ukrainians) made these damned drones! As a result, 19 people were killed, more than 40 were injured, but for some reason – all civilians, including children. The fire in the supermarket took 16 hours, leaving only overheated pieces of iron and charred cinders. DNA tests are collected from small children to identify the fragmented and charred remains of their relatives: dads, moms…

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Detailed political map of Europe as of 1444

Detailed political map of Europe as of 1444

It was created on the basis of ancient maps and documents, where the boundaries and names of states were indicated.

Does anyone see where that same Russia is, which supposedly “was formed in 862” and “always” owned everything around it, so no one has the right to independence from it? Does anyone even see the name “Russia”? Well, at least near Moscow? It seems that “Muscovy” is written there too. Where is that “Holy Moscow Rus’”, about which it is stated that it “united” peoples around itself?

An activist from Kazan was sentenced to two years of suspended imprisonment

An activist from Kazan was sentenced to two years of suspended imprisonment

Zulfiya Sitdikova from the Yabloko (Apple) party drew two posters “Way 9” and “No to War”, for which she was sentenced “rehabilitation of Nazism” and “discrediting” the  Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This is not a harsh sentence at all, when compared with the sentences that people from national movements receive only for defending the rights of their nations. It is not beneficial for Moscow to impose long prison sentences on those people who can help it keep the national republics in the Kremlin’s orbit of influence. After all, Sitdikova, like the entire Yabloko party, are supporters of neo-federalism, adherents of signing a new federal treaty with the “beautiful Russia of the future.”

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These are the “states” Moscow was going to make of us

These are the “states” Moscow was going to make of us

It calls this process “consolidation.” These regions were invented exclusively on economic grounds, and specifically on Councils of National Economy. Their goal is that raw materials and products most efficiently get from these colonies to the center of the empire, and that they could be managed without regard to any indigenous peoples, since their existence would not only be not recognized (as it is now practically not recognized), but would in principle be prohibited.

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Formula of fake love and sincere hate

Formula of fake love and sincere hate

In our perception, this formula is fixed in the Roman version: “Divide and conquer!” But in general, I think, this method of managing conquered nations existed among all empires, both before Rome and after it – from the times of Ancient Egypt to the Russian Empire. It is not without reason that the latter received the eloquent name “prison of nations.” And in prison, as everyone knows, God forbid you allow prisoners to unite – a riot will immediately arise.

This is what happened in the renewed Soviet empire, when, after WWII, front-line prisoners managed to consolidate in the GULAG system (Correctional Labor Camps – prison) with Bandera’s “forest brothers” and convict groups of natives of one country or locality. Uprisings broke out in the camps: Ekibastuz, Vorkuta, Norilsk, Taishet, Kengir. And the archipelago GULAG archipelago fell…

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Chuvash pensioners were turned into a military resource

Chuvash pensioners were turned into a military resource

While pensioners from free countries travel, work or raise grandchildren, Chuvash pensioners are occupied with the war. It turns out that in order to live long, one has to take lives away. These are the energy vampires in Tsivilsk style.

Saval Center for Active Longevity is the name of a new place for leisure for pensioners in Чурачăк (Churachăk) village near Çĕрпӳ (Çĕrpӳ) Tsivilsk, where they were are occupied with weaving camouflage nets, collecting all kinds of uniforms and food for the Kremlin army. Is this what old age should be like?

The Free Nations League condemns a new wave of searches and arrests of Tatars in Russia

The Free Nations League condemns a new wave of searches and arrests of Tatars in Russia

The Federal Security Service carries out searches and arrests among activists of the Tatar national movement. Within four days, Russian security officers came to search four activists of the national movement: Rail Sadriev, Enghel Fattakhov, Rafik Karimullin, Zinnur Akhliullin. Fattakhov was arrested. Theater figure Sadriev was prohibited from going on stage and communicating with colleagues. What happened to Karimullin and Akhliullin is still unknown.

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Sanctions are not effective – their consequences are

Sanctions are not effective – their consequences are

In Sterlitamak on Artyom str., 68 another elevator fell. This happened on May 16, but the media only started writing about it now. This time there was a 16-year-old girl in the elevator, and she survived flying at least 7 floors. She got off with a concussion and a compression fracture of the spine, her mother says, that her daughter was discharged three days later, without even much treatment or telling her what to do next. The elevator was not repaired after that.

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“Today, we have no allies in the struggle against rushism, except for Ukraine”: the outcomes of the Rights of the Colonized Nations of the Russian Federation international conference

“Today, we have no allies in the struggle against rushism, except for Ukraine”: the outcomes of the Rights of the Colonized Nations of the Russian Federation international conference

On May 17, the Rights of the Colonized Nations of the Russian Federation international conference was held in Kyiv, organized by the special commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for interaction with national liberation movements together with Free Nations League.

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