Instead of real Erzya heroes, they now have to be proud of the imposed fictional Moscow ones

Instead of real Erzya heroes, they now have to be proud of the imposed fictional Moscow ones

Farmers from Otyazhele Veles, Atyashevsky district, decided to support the story about Peresvet, a Russian monk-warrior who allegedly defeated the Horde Chetlubey in single combat during the Battle of Kulikovo. Historians consider Peresvet, Chetlubey, and the Battle of Kulikovo itself to be fiction, but this does not in the least hinder lovers of alternative history.

The information vacuum created by Moscow during the cleansing of the history and culture of the Erzyans, Moscow fills with all its fictitious slag, and the people pick it up – they have forgotten about their own, and they want to be proud of something. But if everyone understands that Hollywood superheroes are fictional, then Moscow superheroes are always presented as reality. So harvesters based on Moscow medieval comics are walking along Erzyan Mastor.


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