Racial equality in the People’s Prison

Racial equality in the People’s Prison

Is there racism in Russia? Russian officialdom denies the existence of such a phenomenon completely! In a philistine, primitive consideration of the problem, it turns out that, on the one hand, there are no Afro-Russians in Russia, so the division by skin color is not striking. And on the other hand – “churki”, “narrow-eyed people” – what kind of words are these? Is it a manifestation of brotherly love and equality? It is true, these contemptuous nicknames cannot be completely identified with racial exclusion, because Russians / Great Russians have such nicknames in store for representatives of other nations – of the same race with them, but of a different culture. They even call their “brothers” Slavs in a similar contemptuous way: “khokhols”, “bulbashi”. Just as lovingly, they call all others, albeit Europeans, but not Great Russians, they name-calling – there are “mamalyzhniki”, and “hachi”, and “rodents”, and “animals”, and yids … For centuries, for example, in the Russian Empire and in the USSR, of which Putin’s Russia is the heir, there was institutionalized state anti-Semitism, when Jews could not get certain professions and freely pursue a career. And many other foreigners were assigned a decorative and representative role in governing the country; in real life, their place was, at best, among the voiceless executors of the decisions of the central Great Russian authorities.

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The Russian Guard was given the official right to have heavy military equipment

The Russian Guard was given the official right to have heavy military equipment

The State Duma passed a law allowing the Russian Guard to have heavy military equipment in the first reading. The new rules apply in particular to all Chechen units that are part of the Russian Guard. In May, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, visited the Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) concern and rode on a modernized T-72 tank there, promising to come to Kyiv on it very soon.

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“Only independence!” – rallies of nations held captive by Moscow took place around the world.

On Sunday, July 23, 2023, protest rallies were held in many American cities to mark the end of the Captive Nations Week. If in previous years the Captive Nations Week in the USA had the character of conferences on human rights topics, then in 2022 the Free Nations League filled it with a new meaning – the struggle of the nations held captive by Moscow for independence. Already in 2023, new groups and organizations joined the Week — AARI (Americans against Russian Imperialism), The Voice of Indigenous peoples and individual groups of national movements.

“This year’s events are distinguished by their organization and mass character. The idea of independence and the secession of our republics from Russia is gaining more and more supporters, ”said the representative of the Free Nations League, Buryat Rajana Dugar-DePonte.

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Udmurtia borrows money to pay salaries to state employees

Udmurtia borrows money to pay salaries to state employees

Spending huge amounts on the war, Udmurtia was faced with the inability to pay salaries to public sector employees, so for the umpteenth time it borrows 3.8 billion rubles from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, part will go to pay salaries, and part to pay off the previous loan. As of July 1, the national debt of Udmurtia was 75 billion rubles, and now it is almost 80 billion.

Of this amount, 93% are loans, and the rest is accrued interest.

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When the current gauleiters of the Idel-Ural republics are no longer needed, they will not just be disposed of, but they will be treated the same manner as Girkin was treated

When the current gauleiters of the Idel-Ural republics are no longer needed, they will not just be disposed of, but they will be treated the same manner as Girkin was treated

As soon as Girkin fell out of favor with the king, the imperial propaganda began to actively blame him for the shooting down the Malaysian Boeing, and all his services to the empire in seizing Crimea, starting the war in Donbas and taking over Slavyansk were immediately reduced and nullified by propaganda. Social networks are full of spam about this from Kremlin bots.

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Humped victims

Humped victims

The Black Bridge, the Russian opposition Telegram channel, spoke on the topic of Moscow colonial imperialism, “The Russian ethnic group is one of the most affected by the Moscow colonial empire, if not the most affected. And indeed it is so. Imperialism is a double-edged sword – it brings slavery and oppression not only to the oppressed nations, but also to the oppressing nation. Empires always destroy the ethnicity of the titular nation, replacing the living diversity of ethnicity with the state carrion of the “political nation” of the imperial type.

Let’s think about the above sentence together. Maybe we should “understand and forgive” the Russians who suffer from the “destruction of the ethnicity of the titular nation”?

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The pilot who died in the Azov Sea was from Tatarstan

It was about his death that all Russian correspondents began to publish angry posts, because there were hundreds of people in the sea and near the sea, but no one rushed to save the pilot – everyone was just commenting and filming.

His command claims that the flight was supposedly a training one and just an accident happened. Although, perhaps, he flew to bomb Ukraine and did not reach his destination.

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The occupiers demand from archaeologists to prove the “historical affiliation” of Chersonese to Russia

The occupiers demand from archaeologists to prove the “historical affiliation” of Chersonese to Russia

Archaeologists from the Russian Federation, together with local collaborators and under the supervision of the military, are excavating a Crimean monument – the ancient Greek city of Chersonese, which is located on the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula. The main purpose of these excavations is an attempt to prove the “historical affiliation of the city to Russia,” the Center for National Resistance informs.

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To break through the imperial borders or remain an enclave?

To break through the imperial borders or remain an enclave?

How can the Idel-Ural – more precisely, its republics – be able to gain independence if they are surrounded on all sides by Russia? With such a sacramental rhetorical question, the Soviet-imperial public “kills” the arguments of the Idel-Ural inhabitants about the possibility of creating our Confederation.

Arguing with Russians is like banging your head against a wall: what can you prove to a person who rejects the laws of logic, spitting on causal relationships … in short, who does not recognize common sense at all? At the end of the dispute, you will still hear, “So what? Anyway, we will do it this way. And nothing will happen to us, we are stronger!” As a result, one has to realize once again: Russians recognize only strength, and perceive all the attributes of common sense listed above as weakness.

In fact, the answer to the Russian question about the possibility of reliable sovereignty and economic self-sufficiency of the Idel-Ural republics is very simple. In order to gain independence, the republics surrounded on all sides by Russia need to break this encirclement and reach international borders.

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The Federal Security Service claims that its employees are behind the arson of the car of the head of Zubova Polyana administration 

The Federal Security Service claims that its employees are behind the arson of the car of the head of Zubova Polyana administration 

Today, a number of Mordovian propaganda resources reported that the Federal Security Service officers disclosed the sabotage committed by a Federal Security Service officer. We are talking about the arson of the car of the head of Zubova Polyana village administration, which, according to the Federal Security Service, was planned by the Federal Security Service in order to “expose the criminal activities of members of an undesirable organization.”

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“The Future is Ahead: An Expert Perspective”. Appeal of the government of independent Tatarstan to the International Forum of the Crimean Platform expert network

“The Future is Ahead: An Expert Perspective”. Appeal of the government of independent Tatarstan to the International Forum of the Crimean Platform expert network

The Government of Independent Tatarstan welcomes all the participants, experts and politicians of the Crimean Platform International Forum. And we wish you fruitful work and successful achievement of the stated goals.

The theses:

1. About the Government of Independent Tatarstan. A brief history of the Tatars to the present day.

2. Revealing as a result of the war of Russia against Ukraine at the international level the methods of extermination of peoples by the existing system of power in Russia.

3. The ecological situation and the sophism of Russia in this matter.

4. Correlated strategic work with the peoples enslaved by Muscovy and organizations supporting the decolonization of Russia.

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