The Crimean bridge is tired again, but that is not all

Children, including those from the Volga region, were brought on it for “vacation”. Vacation in quotation marks, because behind the idea of ​​vacation was a much bigger idea about fixing the imperial ideology in the minds of children and the desire to die in the future for keeping land alien to them as part of the Russian Federation.

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The part of Muslims in Russia then and now

The part of Muslims in Russia then and now

In 1896, the empire was larger, but at the same time there was a place on the map to indicate territories where there were more than 90% Muslims. On modern maps,they are already at maximum more than 50%.

Oddly enough, but this text will not be about Muslims as such, but about Muslim migrants and just about migrants. Anti-migrant sentiments sometimes pop up in our chat – and they can be understood, because these people often take away jobs from locals and sometimes increase the crime rate.

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To slip between bear and panda

To slip between bear and panda

I am also frightened by the hypothetical “mating” of the Russian Federation with the PRC. However, no one in the whole world expects anything good from it. Perhaps Putin himself, who is trying to make the mighty PRC his ally, understands the danger of inevitable falling into dependence on the prudent and ruthless Hans. Putin’s field of maneuver has long been permanently shrinking, so you should not be surprised at his “love” for Comrade Xi.

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Russian culture = Russian world

Russian culture = Russian world

In 1922, Russian communists organized 5 trips of the Philosophical Ship. On them, writers, scientists, philosophers were evacuated, addressed precisely, from the communist paradise to the free world – but only those who considered themselves Russian. The evacuation was organized by the communists themselves, allowing emigration to those who did not speak either for or against communism. That is, they released “good Russians” so that they spread the ideas of the Russian world where the bolsheviks could not reach.

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The Volga Tatars are in the ranks of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

The Volga Tatars are in the ranks of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

The armed struggle of the peoples enslaved by Moscow for freedom and independence is the most taboo topic in imperial historiography. One can be proud of Musa Jalil (without looking deeply into the reasons for the creation of Tatar military formations in the Wehrmacht). Admiration for General Shaimuratov is welcome. It is even allowed to have a little cry in memory of those scientists, imams and mullahs, writers, poets and artists who were executed in thousands by the red Moscow in the 1918-1950s. In 1937 alone, 3,056 people were shot in Tatarstan. And that is just for a year! But even remembering the victims of repression, the Tatars should repeat that “not everything is so simple” – so that the Russians would not suddenly think that the Tatars held a grudge because of some trifling executions. In Tatar academic circles, it is considered good form to emphasize that the Bolsheviks executed not only the Tatars, but also the Russians – this fact should somehow smooth out all the suffering that the Tatars endured as part of Russia.

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Disintegration can not only give freedom, but also bring people back

When the Russian Federation disintegrates, then all the territories, where it dominated, will face an economic and demographic shock.

This is inevitable and a completely natural process for the disintegration, because all the ties built over the centuries are broken, new obstacles appear, etc. But none of these upheavals are worse than where the Kremlin is leading us — into oblivion.

When the process of disintegration is in full swing, the outflow of the population from the capital of the empire will also begin. It will start in any case, even if suddenly Moscow could get out of paying reparations. After all, it will lose its colonies and it will have nothing to live on.

When the Roman Empire collapsed, a little more than 28,000 people remained from the millionth population of Rome by the time of the final collapse of the empire. Yes, many died from medieval epidemics, but even more were resettled due to wars or due to lack of resources – as Rome lost its colonies, its slaves and their resources. Only after more than one and a half thousand years, Rome was able to again reach an amount of a million people, and now it is already 2.67 million. Only now it is no longer the capital of the empire.

The same happened with the capitals of other empires.

When the Russian Federation disintegrates, it will be the same. For us, the main thing is that those who left the Volga region to live in Moscow and its region come back home, and not somewhere else in other countries and regions.

The rail war in the Russian Federation is going on and continues to gain momentum

The rail war in the Russian Federation is going on and continues to gain momentum

There were talks of sabotage on the railways, that could complicate the movement of trains with weapons, in the first months of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Many channels appeared that published instructions for partisans and took responsibility for the acts of sabotage, but security forces began to report on the detention of saboteurs only in the autumn of 2022.

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It’s cheaper to die than to live: how coffins and funeral services have risen in price in Erethia

It’s cheaper to die than to live: how coffins and funeral services have risen in price in Erethia

The war in Ukraine and sanctions imposed by the economic giants of Europe and the United States have triggered a rise in prices at coffins and funeral services in Russia.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, since January 2022:

coffin making has risen in price by 52%, to 6,730 rubles;

grave digging – by 13%, to 8765 rubles;

cremation – by 36%, to 28,700 rubles.

And that’s not the last price hike; a new price tag is on the way. 

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Erzya, what do you choose for your people?

Erzya, what do you choose for your people?

Erzya, what do you choose for your people? Life or death?

Many states, regardless of difficult historical periods and lack of raw materials, feel quite prosperous and self-sufficient. For example, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia… They have a rich historical past, a prosperous present, and, I am sure, no less successful future! Everything that they have achieved did not fall as manna from heaven, but is the result of creative work in the conditions of democracy, freedom of speech, fair laws – all that without which the development of society is impossible. Yes, life in these countries is not a paradise, there are also shortcomings and contradictions, but it is hard not to agree with W. Churchill’s words that democracy is bad, but mankind has not come up with anything better. And Russia, its entire history, is an example of what the absence of democracy leads to! More and more people began to realize that the process of disintegration can no longer be stopped. We are witnessing the collapse of the state system of government. The disintegration is inevitable.

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The budget of the Idel-Ural is our budget, and the debts of Muscovy are the debts of Muscovy!

The budget of the Idel-Ural is our budget, and the debts of Muscovy are the debts of Muscovy!

Forgive me, readers, I will have to repeat myself a little, referring to the topic of material responsibility for damage caused by the aggressive war. One of the conclusions we made earlier was that the options for decisions taken by the main subjects of the post-war political layout will depend on who declares himself the legal successor of the Russian Federation. After all, Putin has launched such a flywheel of events that it is not particularly necessary to count on the further immutability of the world. It may turn out that everyone will not be up to reparations.

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An entire village is being built in Tatarstan for the production of drones for 130 billion rubles

An entire village is being built in Tatarstan for the production of drones for 130 billion rubles

Now the size of the assembly workshops in Alabuga is equal to 6 football fields, but production is going to be expanded to the size of 15 football fields, to 100,000 m2.

They promise that the drones will be able to carry up to 100 kg of payload. That is, imagine if these drones were used in large numbers for peaceful purposes.

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