Moscow’s Slow-Motion Ethnic Engineering in Occupied Crimea Accelerating

Moscow’s Slow-Motion Ethnic Engineering in Occupied Crimea Accelerating

When a government engages in mass murder or forcible deportations, most observers see that as a clear sign of ethnic engineering—even if there are unresolved debates as to whether such actions fall under the terms of the international convention against genocide. Yet, when the powers that be change the composition of the population of a region by encouraging the emigration of some groups, the immigration of others, or a combination thereof, few see this process for what it is: slow-motion ethnic engineering in ways that approach (even if they may technically fall short of) acts of genocide as defined by the United Nations (, January 12, 1951).

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Picketing to support Idel-Ural republics took place at Times Square

Picketing to support Idel-Ural republics took place at Times Square

On July 20, 2019 Free Idel-Ural civic movement joined celebration of Captive Nations Week, that is traditionally held every third week of July in the United States of America.

Kamil’ Sukaev, representative of Free Idel-Ural in America, organized stand-alone picket on Times Square with banner saying “Russia is concentration camp of nations”. During an hour Sukaev communicated with journalists and passers-by, told them about situation with human rights of native peoples in Russia and necessity for republics of Povolzhye (russian name for Idel-Ural region) to make secession from Russian Federation.

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Authorities of Mordovia intervene in Atyan’ Ezem internal affairs

Authorities of Mordovia intervene in Atyan’ Ezem internal affairs

On July 13, 2019 Rasken’ Ozks, the ancestral prayer of Erzyan people took place in Erzyano-Mokshania (Republic of Mordovia). On the eve of this event Council of Elders (erz. Atyan’ Ezem) chosen chief elder of Erzyan people, Inyazor, by secret ballot. Syres’ Boliayen’, chairman of Erzyan Val society and co-founder of Free Idel-Ural movement, was chosen as new Inyazor; he permanently lives in Ukraine and his candidacy was supported by 12 from 18 elders of the Council.

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Bashkir activists were taken away by FSB operatives

Bashkir activists were taken away by FSB operatives

Leaders of Bashkir organization “Bashkort”, Fail’ Alsinov and activist Ramil’ Rakhmatov, were driven to local FSB station. Activists, according to article 188 Criminal Procedure Code of Russian Federation (Procedure for the summoning to interrogation), were delivered as witnesses. This is being reported by Idel.Realii news portal, referring to comments “Bashkort” organization.

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Russia is criticized for Russification of educational systems in Tatarstan and other national republics

Russia is criticized for Russification of educational systems in Tatarstan and other national republics

Federalist union of European national minorities (FUEN) appealed to Minister of education of Russian Federation with a request to revise minister’s position on optional study of national languages. Doing so, FUEN reacted on earlier appeal of Free Idel-Ural movement (17.10.2018) about violation of right of native peoples in Idel-Ural to get education in their mother tongues.

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