Bashkort encourages Bashkirs not to vote for Edinaya Rossiya

Bashkort, Bashkir public organization, launched a call to voters in Republic of Bashkortostan, encouraging them to give “Not a single voice to Edinaya Rossiya party candidates”! Except boycott of ruling party candidates, Bashkort asked its supporters to actively participate in elections as observers and members of election committees.
Also Bashkort mentioned that over 600 activists and supporters of the organization are taking part in local elections as candidates and need supporters’ help.
– Not a single voice to Edinaya Rossiya party candidates!
September 8, 2019 is the day of elections of Head of Republic of Bashkortostan, and also of bye-elections of a member of Kurultai (State Assembly) of Republic of Bashkortostan of Sixth Legislature in Komsomolskiy single-seat constituency №16. In addition, elections to representative bodies of local self-government in municipal and rural settlements will be held. There will be 803 local election campaigns totally in order to renew 7340 seats in local councils.
Head of Republic of Bashkortostan is elected by absolute majority system in single electoral district that includes all the territory of Republic of Bashkortostan.
Bye-elections of a member of Kurultai (State Assembly) of Republic of Bashkortostan of Sixth Legislature in Komsomolskiy single-seat constituency №16 are held because of resignation of Samoilenko M.M., who was elected in this constituency (part of municipal district in Neftekamsk city).
Bashkir political parties can’t participate in current elections.
Bashkir political parties can’t participate in current elections. Since 2001 political parties on the basis of professional, racial, national or religious affiliation are legally forbidden in Russian Federation. National affiliation is interpreted as an aim to defend national interests in charter and program of a political party, as well as name (title) of a political party itself.
People’s party of Bashkortostan was already liquidated in 2002. PPB was registered in September 1994 and struggled for independent democratic Bashkortostan, built on principle of self-determination of Bashkir nation and equality of rights for all people who inhabit the republic.
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