While the indigenous people close their eyes, Russian Nazis march through our streets

While the indigenous people close their eyes, Russian Nazis march through our streets

On April 12, under the leadership of Shcheglov and Efremov, the second congress of Russian Nazis was held in Kazan. Again, the agenda was the topic “how to exterminate the Tatars.”

Previously, we have already talked about these characters in more detail.

We also showed what kind of Russian lawlessness is happening in our cities, when the locals are simply silent.

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Tatar Vera Zasulich?

Tatar Vera Zasulich?

The Soviet Regional Court of Kazan sentenced 18-year-old student Adela to two years probation for an attempt to set fire to a military unit. On October 2, 2022, she allegedly threw two bottles of incendiary mixture, but “none got hit” and set fire to “only grass”. In this connection, the terrorist attack of Vera Zasulich, a revolutionary during the Russian tsarism, is remembered. In January 1878, she came to the reception of Fyodor Trepov and fired a revolver, from which the bullet hit the left side of the St. Petersburg mayor. Zasulich was subsequently tried, but the situation in the country was such that the jury acquitted the girl.

And today we read Tatar Kyza turinda. Yeah, there’s no one braver than Adela in town. The rest of the brave men went by volunteers, semi-volunteers and non-volunteers to the Ukrainian front. Maybe riding a horse and carrying a sword in the old days would have been entrusted to Adele, not to the guys who thought they wanted to… but didn’t dare!

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On April 14, the Government of Independent Tatarstan and the Committee of the Bashkir National Movement Abroad signed a joint Declaration on Mutual Recognition and Cooperation

On April 14, the Government of Independent Tatarstan and the Committee of the Bashkir National Movement Abroad signed a joint Declaration on Mutual Recognition and Cooperation

Acting on behalf of their peoples and future independent States, the leaders of national movements laid the foundations for interaction during and after independence. The document is based on the basic principles of international law — the right of peoples to self-determination, equality, protection of human rights and other principles established by UN documents.

“Only together we can lead our peoples to freedom, independence and prosperity,” said Rafis Kashapov, Prime Minister of the Government of independent Tatarstan. “The significance of the signed document goes beyond bilateral relations, we sought to set an example and create a model for all peoples who today aspire to freedom.”

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Point of no return for Tatars and Bashkirs

Point of no return for Tatars and Bashkirs

The number of confirmed deaths of natives of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan as a result of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine amounted to 325 and 566 people respectively.

Taking into account the assessments of international experts, the ratio of those killed to the wounded in this war is at least 1:4. That is, for one killed at least 4 wounded. If we take into account the quality of Russian medicine, which is significantly inferior to Ukrainian capabilities (after all, Ukrainians not only receive medical equipment and drugs, but they also send their soldiers abroad for treatment and prosthetics), it can be assumed that many of the wounded lost their ability to work either completely or partially.

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We are still potential extremists for them

We are still potential extremists for them

Coming back to the topic of building mosques in the Russian Federation, I would like to once again recall the figures characterizing this process. There are almost 1200 churches/temples in Moscow and only 4 mosques. You can see the contradiction. Looking at Tatarstan, we see, it seems there are more mosques here. But still they are not enough to the desired amount. “Desired” means such that would satisfy the religious aspirations of the Muslim Tatars in all cities and villages of the Republic. Few people will oppose if a mosque appears in their locality. Even Tatars who do not attend the temple will not protest in any way against the arranging a building for the performance of Islamic religious rituals. Everyone in Tatarstan knows that the mosque does not pose a threat to anyone. It does not call anyone to illegal deeds or violations of secular laws. It is true, such an opinion is widespread among the Tatars. Local Russians fear that mosques can incite Muslims to bad deeds. Unfortunately, it is difficult to prove the opposite to Russians living in the Republic of Tatarstan. Either they don’t believe or they don’t get it. Apparently, this is why they prefer to act “on the pre-emption”, having previously recorded Muslims as extremists, terrorists, fanatics.

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Will or death

Will or death

The State Duma in a panic haste finally adopted the law on a unified register of servicemen. Apparently, the second wave of mobilization is coming.

“This time the government has prepared itself. It first passed laws by which it will close borders, restrict rights and hunt down all those who do not want to go to Ukraine to die, and then it will announce a mobilization.

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“Salaam il keshese!”

“Salaam il keshese!”

The Internet has delighted us with the news of a new invention – human thought has created artificial intelligence (AI). Interesting thing. Someone sees it as a funny toy, and someone scares people with prophecies of hypothetical terrible consequences from a monster released out. Well, specialists need to think things through, discuss and make the right decisions: within what legal framework is it possible to safely use the electronic brain for the benefit of humanity. And it’s very difficult, because with a useful thing like a microscope, you can make a discovery in microbiology and break the head of someone you’re talking to, if you’re really angry with him and you haven’t set limits for yourself before.

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Happy birthday, Izhkar?

Happy birthday, Izhkar?

The first settlements on the place of Izhkar existed still in the III – V centuries AD. 

But later they “suddenly” sort of “disappeared”.

With no reasons for that. If you open the Russian version of Wikipedia, it turns out that before the invaders came from Muscovy, there were only graves in the place of Izhkar and nothing more. Nothing is said about where the people who settled there so long ago disappeared. It’s just wasteland and graves. The same as with Mariupol and other cities of Donbass, at first the Muscovites destroyed them, killed their inhabitants, and then they would say that they came to the wasteland and the graves.

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Draft Declaration of the Bashkir and Tatar National Movements on Mutual Recognition and Cooperation

Draft Declaration of the Bashkir and Tatar National Movements on Mutual Recognition and Cooperation

We, the government of independent Tatarstan in exile and the Committee of the Bashkir National Movement Abroad (hereinafter referred to as the parties), with the aim of coordinating efforts on the path of fighting Moscow imperialism and gaining independence by our republics, have agreed on the following:

1. We acknowledge that the Committee of the Bashkir National Movement Abroad and the government of independent Tatarstan in exile are the legitimate and authorized representatives of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, respectively.

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Statement of the Government of Independent Tatarstan on the construction of a mosque in Moscow

Statement of the Government of Independent Tatarstan on the construction of a mosque in Moscow

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful. With this statement, we wish to draw the attention of the Turkish world and the entire Muslim Ummah to the real, not televised, situation of Muslims under the rule of the Russian Federation.

Russia is a multi-ethnic country inhabited by hundreds of peoples, particularly those who embraced Islam long before the Russians conquered their lands. The Tatars, who historically inhabited not only occupied Tatarstan, but also many regions of the Russian Federation, are one of such peoples. Recently, the thousandth anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria, which was at the origin of Tatar statehood, was celebrated. According to the Russian Constitution, the Tatars, Bashkir, Kumik, Balkan, Chechen, Ingush, Avars, Darghins and many other Islamic peoples are as full citizens of the Russian Federation as the Russians themselves. In practice, however, Russia is pursuing a consistent and purposeful policy of eradicating Islam, persecuting Muslims and assimilating Muslim peoples.

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Mari El and Udmurtia schools buy obstacle courses with trenches

Mari El and Udmurtia schools buy obstacle courses with trenches

These “military-sports” constructions for schools are bought by those who regularly collect money from parents “for curtains”, “for new desks”, “for computer class”, “for Teacher’s Day”, “for school repair” and “office supplies”.

All that remains is to allow teachers to sign the contract with the “Wagner” on behalf of the students – for the whole class at once.