While the indigenous people close their eyes, Russian Nazis march through our streets

On April 12, under the leadership of Shcheglov and Efremov, the second congress of Russian Nazis was held in Kazan. Again, the agenda was the topic “how to exterminate the Tatars.”
Previously, we have already talked about these characters in more detail.
We also showed what kind of Russian lawlessness is happening in our cities, when the locals are simply silent.
Now Shcheglov and Efremov transferred the discussion of Russian Nazi ideas to the Tatar masses. They offer the Tatars to voluntarily stop being Tatars, or it threatens them with physical extermination. “We are all patriots of Russia here and we don’t want its collapse, right?”, Shcheglov says, wanting to show that any Tatar who stands up for his people and his culture will be qualified as a “separatist” and “Nazi”, since anyone whom the Russian Nazis consider their enemy automatically becomes a “Nazi” in their eyes.
This discussion was not a desire to find any public consensus between Russians and Tatars. The presentation of Shcheglov and Efremov for the Tatars was arranged for only one purpose – a public flogging of the entire Tatar people in order to show who is the boss here, and the Tatars should sit with their mouths open and listen with enthusiasm as the Russian master tells that the Tatars are nobody, nothing and have no rights.
Having got to see such a performance at least once, any Tatar will understand that there is no alternative to independence for Tatarstan. Only a free and sovereign country can protect the Tatars from the Russian Nazis.
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