In Bashkortostan, now every morning in kindergartens they will raise the flags of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as sing two hymns

In Bashkortostan, now every morning in kindergartens they will raise the flags of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as sing two hymns

Once upon a time, the Russian tricolor was banned and people could be imprisoned or shot for it. Then the story was rewritten – and it became like an ordinary symbol. But after all, the history of Russia is the most changeable and unpredictable thing in the world, so there is no guarantee that, instilling in “non-Russian” children love for the tricolor now, the Kremlin will not shoot them for the tricolor already adults later, when it starts another round of rewriting history again.

Chuvashia presented 160 titles of books at the Moscow Fair

Chuvashia presented 160 titles of books at the Moscow Fair

Only the third part of them were in the Chuvash language, although the books are published in the framework of a program to support the national literatures. A part of this third part was in two languages.

It is like the situation with Gogol: first, the Russians forbid publishing books not in Russian, and then they say that this is the Russian writer – after all, he wrote in Russian.

They are strongly getting us accustomed to the fact that the national literature in Russian is normal.

Now, even in order to go to school, one needs to be Russian

In addition to the fact that a Nazi flash mob was organized today in many schools to the song “I am Russian,” Valeriy Fadeev, the head of the Human Rights Council,  also suggested that children who do not know or have poor knowledge of the Russian language should not be taken to schools. Especially such an innovation will affect children from villages.

Militant who blackmailed Khabirov died in Ufa prison in Ufa

Militant who blackmailed Khabirov died in Ufa prison in Ufa

We will never know is he died for natural reasons or somebody helped him.  The fact is that 39-year-old Ildar Bulatov was diagnosed with cancer by doctors and did not have long to live, so he went to a foreign country to kill people in order to earn money for his family for the future, when he is gone. Ildar fought in Dostavalov’s battalion.

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What is Independence?

What is Independence?

August 30 – the Independence Day of Tatarstan. But what is Independence? For a country and for a citizen?

I will try to explain it as simply as possible. It is when a Tatar is told that  this option is the best, most successful and acceptable for him, and that path is the most optimal and promising, and that he just needs to trust the choice made for him (for our Tatar) and go forward cheerfully and energetically! And what is important, he does not even need to take on the burden of responsibility for the decision made – those who proposed and accepted this choice will be responsible. Here, like an obedient bull-calf, he goes directed by a shepherd – and he is always fed up, warmed in a warm barn, protected from wolves, diseases, and all sorts of other misfortunes! And moreover he, showing humility, according to the proverb, sucks two tits at once.

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Is not it worse than the war?

Is not it worse than the war?

5, 10 and 15 minutes walk from the administration of Cheboksary and the government of the Chuvash Republic – the houses already look like this. And perhaps even closer. It is not some wilderness, but the very center of Cheboksary.

There is no gas (firewood is everywhere), there are no roads, the houses are almost collapsing, everything is overgrown with tall bushes and weeds.

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Nepotism in the Tatar manner

Nepotism in the Tatar manner

In accordance with the interpretation of Wikipedia, “Nepotism (from the Latin nepos – “grandson”, “nephew”) is the provision of positions to relatives or acquaintances, regardless of their professional abilities. A part of political corruption is a form of favoritism. Another name is cronyism, that is, “connivance in the service of one’s friends or relatives with the damage of the cause.” It comes from the practice of distribution by the Roman popes of profitable positions, higher church ranks or lands to close relatives.

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Kazan Federal University was disconnected from Microsoft

The reason was the sanctions against its rector, Lenar Safin. “A powerful blow has been dealt to the university,” Tatar-inform, the Kremlin’s info dump, informs. Microsoft 365, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, and even email are now inaccessible to students and professors. In addition, foreign universities, in particular from the Czech Republic and Germany, refused to cooperate with the university.

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Leading and guiding…

Leading and guiding…

The Kremlin usually uses “foreigners” either as a showcase to demonstrate the ostentatious successes of the Russian world, or as a screen to cover up its evil deeds. It never considers them equals, and at the slightest disagreement it immediately recalls that they are such and such “non-Russians” …

If a new plant is built in Tatarstan (despite the fact that the Republic probably does not need such an exact plant), be sure that it will be blown all over the world. The leadership of the Republic will solemnly welcome high-ranking guests from Moscow, take them around the workshops, demonstrating spacious production facilities and workers hardworking on the assembly line in front of TV cameras. Under the lenses of television cameras, the delegation will be informed about the production plans, the number of jobs, that everything is built no worse than in Japan, that now we can catch up and overtake, provide in full, fulfill the dream of generations, etc., etc. But the main idea of the filmed story, even if not expressed aloud, will be the glorification of the wise leadership, without which the “non-Russians” would not have succeeded. And also a confirmation of the happy life of the native subjects, who voluntarily and far-looking entrusted their fate to the hands of the central leadership, the very Metropolis, without which not a single Tatar housewife would have come up with how to bake belyash on her own. That is why it is necessary to show in the story the happy faces of the favored Tatars, rejoicing at the visit of “A Person himself” from Moscow. Delight from the fact that they were tamed, trained, guided, controlled – in short, “made people”

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Nazis from Rusich Sabotage Assault Reconnaissance Group dropped out of the race

Nazis from Rusich Sabotage Assault Reconnaissance Group dropped out of the race

They also announced the suspension of their participation in the war, following the Wagner`s militants. The reason for this allegedly was the detention by the Finnish police of one of their leaders, Yan Petrovskiy. However, it should be remembered that the Rusich Sabotage Assault Reconnaissance Group and the Wagner`s militants are extremely sympathetic to each other – they have similar aspirations, a similar ideology, and, probably, the same sponsors from the Main Intelligence Directorate. So the detention of Petrovskiy, most likely, can only be a formal cause, but in fact, preparations are underway for something else. The Russian Volunteer Corps, by the way, invited the Wagners to go to Moscow together. Maybe, they will invite the Rusich Sabotage Assault Reconnaissance Group also?

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