Khaval, the Chuvash initiative group, announces another enrollment for a free autumn online course of the Chuvash language

The course is intended for level A (i.e. for those who are starting to learn the Chuvash language or have some knowledge of it). The course is intended for one and a half to two months and will begin on September 11, 2023.
This time there will be 3 teachers:
Level A0 – Alexander (Alparukh) Blinov, teacher of Chuvash and foreign languages.
Level A1 – Alexander (Aitar) Stepanov, teacher of the Chuvash language, laureate of the first offline round of The best teacher of the native language and literature, the All-Russian competition
Level A2 – Iraida (Teleypi) Matyanova, teacher of the Chuvash language, poetess, winner of the All-Russian master class for teachers of the native language, including Russian, in the Master Teacher nomination.
To participate in the course, please fill in an application form.
Private questions can be asked to Alexander Blinov (Alparukh) in VK or TG.
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