Leading and guiding…

The Kremlin usually uses “foreigners” either as a showcase to demonstrate the ostentatious successes of the Russian world, or as a screen to cover up its evil deeds. It never considers them equals, and at the slightest disagreement it immediately recalls that they are such and such “non-Russians” …
If a new plant is built in Tatarstan (despite the fact that the Republic probably does not need such an exact plant), be sure that it will be blown all over the world. The leadership of the Republic will solemnly welcome high-ranking guests from Moscow, take them around the workshops, demonstrating spacious production facilities and workers hardworking on the assembly line in front of TV cameras. Under the lenses of television cameras, the delegation will be informed about the production plans, the number of jobs, that everything is built no worse than in Japan, that now we can catch up and overtake, provide in full, fulfill the dream of generations, etc., etc. But the main idea of the filmed story, even if not expressed aloud, will be the glorification of the wise leadership, without which the “non-Russians” would not have succeeded. And also a confirmation of the happy life of the native subjects, who voluntarily and far-looking entrusted their fate to the hands of the central leadership, the very Metropolis, without which not a single Tatar housewife would have come up with how to bake belyash on her own. That is why it is necessary to show in the story the happy faces of the favored Tatars, rejoicing at the visit of “A Person himself” from Moscow. Delight from the fact that they were tamed, trained, guided, controlled – in short, “made people”
But if an accident occurs at the same plant or water or electricity disappears in the dormitories of the plant, then who will be to blame, what do you think? Moscow bosses who cut funding? Heads of central ministries who did not provide the required assortment of raw materials and components and deceived with the supply of equipment? No, no, none of them will go under the pressure of punishment and responsibility. And if unpleasant “trifles” get on TV screens, then only the local leadership will be to blame – they irresponsibly missed, thoughtlessly miscalculated, allowed a failure, etc. Of course, no one will fire the local devoted to the Kremlin shepherds of the native herd, because they will still be needed, but they should bear the blame! And no talking!
An example of this can be the well-known “Alabuga” – the Tatar Silicon Valley, an incubator of geniuses, a research and production center for cutting-edge technologies, aimed at wiping the nose to Elon Musk himself! And what? What happened to it? Which way did it go? In the end, it turned out to be an assembly place for not even Chinese cars, no! Alabuga has been assigned as an assembly site for Iranian “mopeds”, kamikaze drones intended to kill civilians in Ukraine. This is how, at first, the “center of intellectual breakthroughs and the education of geniuses”, which arose thanks to the cares of the federal government, a showcase of the Russian world in Tatarstan, and then slowly there is the transformation of this center into a unit of the Russian military-industrial complex, staining the Tatar workers of this plant among others with the blood of victims.
In Soviet times, there was an unbreakable rule for the selection and placement of personnel on the spot: proletarian internationalism should not interfere with the implementation of strict control. The first person is Russian, his deputy is from the locals. Sometimes it is the other way around, but the Kremlin’s full cross-party-KGB control over all local processes is a must.
Today, the “hand of Moscow” in the management of controlled territories has not become softer, although it has slightly changed the approach to managing local “elites”. The adjustment is going on by screwing the faucet of financial infusions and restricting access to their “cut”. If you agree to silently follow the instructions of Moscow – you can steal quietly, select performers similar to yourself, and demonstrate to your own people what a successful manager you are. If you do not want to, we will bring you to clean waters and show the whole world what kind of budget embezzler you are, we will imprison you, and we’ll find a more successful one for your place. We will also expose with pomp – this is how these strangers and foreigners can get cocky without Russian control! Only a kind and honest mister from Moscow is able to save you from Asian feudalism, like totalitarian Turkmenistan! And the Government of the Russian Federation strictly monitors the observance of democratic principles in the national republics and will never allow slipping into “authoritarianism” or some other alien “isms”.
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