Well, the situation with Ukrainians is clear! There is no way out for them: either their country and all of them will be destroyed, or they will be “entrusted” the third-rate role of an auxiliary nation in the Russian Empire – to pump oil in the north or die far away in a war, defending the “borders of the homeland.” This is quite a choice, as they say! Our ideological fascist, Lev Vershinin, simply explained everything: a war to kill as many Ukrainians of reproductive age as possible and destroy the Ukrainian core – love of freedom and willfulness. They, scoundrels, always tried to wriggle out of obedience – of serfdom, of collective farms, of the “soviets”. They resisted, they schemed, they ran away, they struggled… As Eduard Bagritsky wrote, “Previously we became Cossacks, and now we become bandits!” This is what he wrote about the 20s years of the last century, characterizing the resistance of the “Khokhols” (Ukrainians) to the Bolshevik occupation.
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