The names of three more Russian war criminals who raped a woman in Kharkiv Oblast a year ago have been established

The names of three more Russian war criminals who raped a woman in Kharkiv Oblast a year ago have been established

All three are the members of the 99 Artillery Regiment. We are especially interested in the first and the last in the list, as they are related to the Idel-Ural region.

🔘 Emil Kamilyevich Akhmerov, born on August 25, 1978, home address: 9 Marshal Kurkotkin street, Naro-Fominsk, the Russian Federation.

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Blood and faith

 Apparently, unsanctioned rallies are still sometimes sanctioned! Otherwise, how would “white” Russians dare to gather and protest against the construction of a “Busurman” mosque in their city? Is a mosque allowed in a Russian city?! Never! Not allowed! We will breast! We will all go out to stop construction machinery! No way! Asians and other Muslims must know their place! And if they resist, then we will save them all from the darkness of the Muslim faith, we will save them by force, as we are saving Ukrainians from Nazism!

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In Bashkortostan, a district police officer successfully shot himself

In Bashkortostan, a district police officer successfully shot himself

Senior Lieutenant Murfaiz Bykbov has shot himself at the 3rd precinct of Dyomskii district of Ufa. A service pistol was found next to the corpse. Bykbov took part in at least two business trips to the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, where he cleaned up the Chechen villages.

What prompted the policeman to do such a noble act (and if it was a suicide) is still unclear.

How the terrorist propaganda of the Kremlin kills

How the terrorist propaganda of the Kremlin kills

We are publishing a translated abstract from the Myrotvorets website.

All your fears of the empire are just unjustified fears as they are a colossus on clay feet.

And this applies not only to real combat. It is not for nothing that the Kremlin has allocated billions all over the world for information warfare.

Here is an interesting observation of the press officer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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Smell of fried

Smell of fried

I think readers have already noticed the change in the tone of propaganda talk shows on central TV channels. However, in order to record such metamorphoses, viewers need to use their analytical skills at least to a minimum. After all, the change of tone has to be camouflaged to prevent suspicion of defeatism creeping in. So that the transition from brave zeal (“to defeat Ukraine in two days” by M. Simonyan, “blink an eye – and Ukraine will surrender” by V. Solovyov) to almost dramatic seriousness and pseudo-analysis of the military situation would be unnoticed.  In the course of the case, the Russian media is conducting a synchronous replacement of outdated versions of the development of military events, inventing new, more sophisticated versions. 

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Kazan blogger Parvina Abuzarova detained without being allowed to dress

A dozen male checkers broke into her apartment at 7 a.m., entered her bedroom, took away her phone so she could not call her lawyer or her friends, and searched her. All because a blogger selling Muslim clothing posted an anti-war post on her Instagram with 80,000 followers.

The Muslim girl, despite all her requests to be allowed to at least dress, was taken to the Kazan FSB investigator, who threatened her with an article for propaganda of terrorism and said that she would face from 3 to 6 years in prison.

This is how the Russkomir treats Muslim women, about whom Minnikhanov stated that “Islam is an integral part of Russian civilization.”

Putin-style “Language Diversity”: Who Is to Blame?

Putin-style “Language Diversity”: Who Is to Blame?

Under Putin’s rule, not only the languages, which were already on the verge of extinction, but also the languages of the peoples whose names the respective republics are named, began to disappear. Could this be due to the defeat of national education in these republics since Putin’s submission in 2017, when the study of local state languages of these republics was removed from the compulsory curricula of their state schools? Columnist of “Idel.RealiaHarun Sidorov

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Is it worth kissing the devil’s tail?

Is it worth kissing the devil’s tail?

“Yes I read sometimes, I laugh. The most idiotic Russian-language channel about the Volga region. Doomed to failure idea with Idel-Ural. Success to these guerrillas and 2,400 of their followers,” – wrote one of the admins of Telegram-channel “Angry Chuvashia”. The contempt of the administration of “Zerdita Chuvashia” is caused by the fact that they do not advocate the dissolution of the Russian Federation and independence, like “Free Idel-Ural”, but for a “new” version of the federation, which, as it were, should be organized “differently” than the current non-empire. And one of the administrators of “Serdiya Chuvashia” Semyon Kochkin was prosecuted for discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

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A criminal case was filed against Semyon Kochkin, one of the “Angry Chuvashia” moderators.

A criminal case was filed against Semyon Kochkin, one of the “Angry Chuvashia” moderators.

He is accused of discrediting the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. He himself and the entire administration of “Angry Chuvashia” declare that it is still safe to read their channel. Perhaps so, but there is one problem. “Angry Chuvashia” does not stand for the disintegration of the Russian Federation and independence, like “Free Idel-Ural”, but for a “new” version of the federation, which seems to have to be arranged “differently” than the current half-empire. For such a position, our channel is despised among local moderators (on the screenshot, there are words of one of the “Angry Chuvashia” moderators).

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Wake up and think

Wake up and think

It is clear that the conscious Tatars are now facing a difficult choice, and they are afraid to start the fight because of the possible loss. But you have to start with something until it’s too late. Somehow to demonstrate that there are disagreements, that the people understand the wrongness of the path chosen by Moscow. After all, the Tatars are already suffering unprecedented losses today, the number of people killed in the unnecessary war is measured in thousands. In any way, the power must realize that Tatar patriots  do not agree to obediently become cannon fodder. In contrast, the Tatar people want to give birth and bring up children, and be the masters of their Republic.

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