The liberal Russian empire

In the numerous statements of the “good Russians” in the media, the author hears an alarming note. They look too easily ahead into the hypothetical post-war period. And they discuss easily the model of the country’s post-war structure, where the modified “russian peace” is still given the predominant place. “…and then the Ukrainians will understand and forgive the Russian people; the renewed Russian people will again be able to be friends with Ukrainians, in fact, we are brother nations; Moscow will offer all indigenous peoples the opportunity to join the new free federation.” In short, the touching confidence of Galustyanov`s Bearded man sounds in these words, “To understand and forgive! After all, not all Russians supported the war!” And then they will graciously provide an opportunity for people from the national minority to once again put the boot of the enlightened Moscow master on their head. And when they present a tough argument to these “good people” – we will be able to perceive you without fear and hatred only after, using Putin’s words, the “disbanding” of Russia, its demilitarization, denuclearization, payment of reparations, trials of war criminals… Here the Russian liberals begin to frighten the whole world with inevitable chaos in the vastness of the country, loss of control over the situation with infernal consequences for the whole world in the case of choosing such a path.
Well, let’s believe for a few minutes in the proposed Russian model of the future. How can relations between Russia and the Ukrainian state develop? And what will be fundamentally new in relations with the indigenous peoples? Will the good Russians drive them under the yoke in a new, good way and put them in a stable for the benefit of the renewed Empire?
To be honest, the author believes that the Russians, both good and bad ones, do not know this completely. And the Tatars with the Bashkortostans know this, and the Erzyans with the Mokshans guess about this, and the Chuvash with the Udmurts as well… And other small nations, when they think about it, they come to the common opinion: they will once again subjugate, shove, like a cat in a boot, into a beautiful new federal treaty. The same as was proposed by M. Gorbachev. Or the one that B. Yeltsin developed and developed, but did not manage to develop completely. Or the one offered by today’s Russian liberals like M. Khodorkovskiy and G. Kasparov, or I. Ponomarev and A. Navalnyy. Who knows how many “good Russians” today offer air-crystal projects for the reconstruction of Russia! But the indigenous peoples fighting for sovereignty imagine the prospect of such a process in advance: everything will remain as it was before… At first, sweet promises, then, sooner or later, the power from the hands of soft-bodied Russian liberals passes into the hands of tough and cool guys who clearly know what they want to get from life, and who are not afraid to get dirty with blood for the sake of mother Russia. In the leadership in the field too soon there will appear new national staff who agree with these “new russians-2” and… the restoration of the renewed empire is not far off!
The Russians cannot behave in any other way. They could not do it in another way before, and now, no matter how hard you try, they will not be able to behave in another way. The reason is simple: it will not be possible to assemble a samovar from parts stolen at the factory, it will be possible to assemble only a machine gun. Because the factory produces no samovars. In the same way, a true liberal democrat cannot be molded from Russian imperialists until they cease to be “russian”, until they are reborn into muscovites, Siberians, Ingermanlanders, citizens of Yakutia, Far Easterners, Kalmyks… Into normal people living according to normal human principles.
And such a question: how do you imagine the victory of Russia? That Ukraine will be crushed and the russians will be forgiven for everything? And they will be allowed to continue misbehaving in the world? And let Russia arrange wars in its zone of influence, China in its own, let Iran and North Korea, too, prepare their Gulags for the neighboring nations… And the European democracies can nervously smoke on the sidelines and not interfere in any way. But who can live in such a world? No one will be able to, they will wage war and fight back with the whole world against the prospect of imperial totalitarianism. This will definitely be the way to the Third World War!
You will say that it is painful – all these “de”: denuclearization, “dechauvinisation”, demilitarization, etc. The people will suffer, the country will be thrown back, everything will have to be rebuilt. Yes, and when the middle entrance of a nine-story residential building is shot with a rocket? And the bus stop? And the bus station or shopping center? All this was possible for the sake of a high goal and only as a result of NATO provocation, right? And to kill thousands of men from the Russian hinterland and national outskirts, throwing them under tanks and machine guns for the sake of the greatness of the Empire? No, it is better still to carry out painful reforms and grant freedom to peoples who are fighting for their statehood and sovereignty.
No, no, no “renewed Russia” with new federal treaties! Do not believe it! This accursed country, forever pregnant with an empire should go only into oblivion! To hell!
And our and your task at this stage of the struggle for the national sovereignty is to demonstrate by all means to the whole world that Russia is not only Moscow and the Russian liberal opposition, it is also independent national democratic movements of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. There is a lot of work to be done here: looking for and finding people capable of representing their republics abroad, working with sponsors who support the goals of the national revolution, opening offices in various capitals, creating broadcasting centers. To bring to the consciousness of the whole world the message of their people, “We exist, we want freedom!” These local centers will become places of contact with media representatives, politicians, government officials, civil activists, diaspora organizations.
The world should know that not only the Russians guilty of launching aggressive wars, but also other nations interested in the transformation of the country on the basis of democratic principles enshrined in the UN Charter live on the territory of the decaying Resource Empire. And these nations do not at all dream of starting wars and chaos on their territory or taking the whole world by the throat, blackmailing it with an atomic apocalypse. Their goal is to live in peace and friendship in the family of civilized states!
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