Month: July 2023

Erzya, what do you choose for your people?

Erzya, what do you choose for your people?

Erzya, what do you choose for your people? Life or death?

Many states, regardless of difficult historical periods and lack of raw materials, feel quite prosperous and self-sufficient. For example, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia… They have a rich historical past, a prosperous present, and, I am sure, no less successful future! Everything that they have achieved did not fall as manna from heaven, but is the result of creative work in the conditions of democracy, freedom of speech, fair laws – all that without which the development of society is impossible. Yes, life in these countries is not a paradise, there are also shortcomings and contradictions, but it is hard not to agree with W. Churchill’s words that democracy is bad, but mankind has not come up with anything better. And Russia, its entire history, is an example of what the absence of democracy leads to! More and more people began to realize that the process of disintegration can no longer be stopped. We are witnessing the collapse of the state system of government. The disintegration is inevitable.

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The budget of the Idel-Ural is our budget, and the debts of Muscovy are the debts of Muscovy!

The budget of the Idel-Ural is our budget, and the debts of Muscovy are the debts of Muscovy!

Forgive me, readers, I will have to repeat myself a little, referring to the topic of material responsibility for damage caused by the aggressive war. One of the conclusions we made earlier was that the options for decisions taken by the main subjects of the post-war political layout will depend on who declares himself the legal successor of the Russian Federation. After all, Putin has launched such a flywheel of events that it is not particularly necessary to count on the further immutability of the world. It may turn out that everyone will not be up to reparations.

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An entire village is being built in Tatarstan for the production of drones for 130 billion rubles

An entire village is being built in Tatarstan for the production of drones for 130 billion rubles

Now the size of the assembly workshops in Alabuga is equal to 6 football fields, but production is going to be expanded to the size of 15 football fields, to 100,000 m2.

They promise that the drones will be able to carry up to 100 kg of payload. That is, imagine if these drones were used in large numbers for peaceful purposes.

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In Izhkar, they want to close another maternity hospital due to the fact that they “do not give birth”

In Izhkar, they want to close another maternity hospital due to the fact that they “do not give birth”

Brechalov himself said that allegedly the residents did not ask to keep the maternity hospital, although a petition about this was signed by 37.6 thousand people during the year.

At the same time, the occupying authorities report on the “good birth rate in the republic.” Allegedly, 41 places are normal in a dying country.

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Jihad for the Russian Empire

Jihad for the Russian Empire

State Russian “defenders” of Islam talk a lot about how the Quran was burned in Sweden.

They threaten the Swedes, they are actively pushing propaganda of hatred towards the whole of Europe. But when 850 Qurans were burned in China in one day, and not by hooligans, but specifically by the police, there was complete silence from the side of the Kremlin propagandists.

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Eco-protests are not enough

Eco-protests are not enough

Geological development will be carried out in Gadelbaevo. The topic of independence never came up at all the eco-protests. People are afraid. But not a single eco-protest will help in the country without rights. So while there is no independence, we will all just waste energy and resources on endless protests, and they will fine and imprison activists until the activists run out.

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