Why did the Erzya diaspora of Estonia ignore the congress?

In Estonia, there are two Erzya societies, and the number of Erzya or people with Erzya roots is in the hundreds of people (someone gives numbers of a thousand or more). Erzya organizations, however, like the entire Erzya diaspora in Estonia, ignored the Erzya congress in Otepää. It is no secret that the Erzya people of Estonia are afraid of the national movement like fire. Even after the start of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, the Erzya diaspora of Estonia prefers to remain silent and speaks out only in cases where it is simply impossible to sit quietly, because one can get into obstruction by the Estonians.

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When will the Tatars start to eat pork after vodka?

When will the Tatars start to eat pork after vodka?

Sometimes, when reading articles about language discussions in Ukraine, I think with envy: we should have their problems! After all, everything is going up with the functioning of their native language, while with us it is on the contrary. There, for example, soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of Russian ethnic origin argue about the obligatory transition to the Ukrainian language in everyday communication. Some say, “We are Russian-speaking Ukrainian patriots! No one dares to force us to speak Ukrainian, in the trenches under shelling we answer Ukrainian words in Russian, and everything is clear to everyone!” Some of their “compatriots” answer, “But we are fighting, among other things, for the state Ukrainian language!”

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Two worlds, two civilizations, one war

Two worlds, two civilizations, one war

When watching a video with hundreds and thousands of mobilized people, who thoughtlessly go where they are being led, involuntary associations arise with watching old footage of the chronicles of the Second World War, where the Nazis are leading large columns of Soviet prisoners. They can not go: they are not exhausted yet, since they were recently taken prisoners, and there are hundreds of times more of them than the escorts, and the escorts will definitely not cope with all of them. Even if some part would die, the majority would defeat the escorts pretty quickly. But they don’t even think about it. They’re just fatefully walking. Someone hopes to get lost on the road and run away, but there are only a few of them. Most of them walk where they are led. All this Orwellianism evokes a sense of hopelessness. The meat understands that it is meat, and understands that it is being led to the slaughter, but it continues going. Because everyone goes.

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Can a “hostel” be turned into a penthouse?! Part 2.

Can a “hostel” be turned into a penthouse?! Part 2.

You can read the beginning here.

One of the problems of Russia is its gigantic size. Too big, clumsy and badly controlled. Too rich, the entire reliance is not on the fruits of labor, obtained by reason, will and sweat, but on almost free resources easily obtained from a hole in the ground. Moreover, the hole was dug using Western technologies and machines. It is too multinational and in the conditions of the command-repressive form of economy also becomes negative. After all, according to the current policy, Russia is a monocultural and mononational country. National manifestations beyond the permitted norm are severely suppressed. And this is not globalization, as in the whole world, but unification, cultural genocide.

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A site of “State services” started to provide the possibility of alternative euthanasia by enlisting in volunteers for the ’special operation’ to all citizens

A site of “State services” started to provide the possibility of alternative euthanasia by enlisting in volunteers for the ’special operation’ to all citizens

This service quickly became popular. So, according to the statement of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitriy Chernyshenko, around 70 thousand absolutely ’crack-pot’ people who can use euthanasia as a last chance to end their full of suffering and misfortunes life have already used this service.

In parallel the same people have a chance to take part in the “Squid Game”, where only survivors will get the prize, i. e. crutches, and order «For Courage». Those who will be more clever and crafty could get some money to pay out their loans and mortgages, those debts that their state drove them into beforehand. Relatives of those volunteers get a one-time comforting payment, which depends on the budget fullness of the local region and authorities’ generosity: in Tyva, the ram was given, somebody got 3 bags of potatoes, and Sakhalin citizens received 5 kilos of fish per person.

Will New Russia be fascist?

Will New Russia be fascist?

In the light of new trends in the Russian state genesis, questions arise that disturb the consciousness of the layman. Here the Great Pu signs a decree on the accession of new territories to the Russian Federation. Here a part of these territories immediately, without asking, goes back to Ukraine. Here the court herald Peskov voices a new doctrine of collecting lands, “We will take as much as we can, but we do not yet know how much it is. We will consult with the population of the territories.” At this time, the media space is actively discussing the hypothetical disintegration of Russia due to the collapse of the state administration mechanism, the signs of which are already evident, the same Kadyrov, for example, stating that Russia, they say, is great and rich, but there is no order, sorry. Therefore, he will take a slightly different path from the Russian state, he will not carry out mobilization, contrary to the law adopted by the State Duma.

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“Your language is not dead until you can pass it on to someone”: Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, a person who revived Hebrew

“Your language is not dead until you can pass it on to someone”: Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, a person who revived Hebrew

On January 7, 1858, in Luzhki Village near Vilnius (at that time under the occupation of Russian Empire), Eliezer Ben-Yehuda was born, who is called the father of the modern Hebrew. He devoted his whole life to the revival of Hebrew, its development and enrichment: Ben-Yehuda created one of the first weeklies in Hebrew, he founded the Hebrew Language Committee, which later became the Hebrew Language Academy, and he began publishing the first complete dictionary of Hebrew.

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