Where do you see poverty?

“Each resident of Russia has two or three cars in the garage, we can afford to go on vacation abroad a couple of times a year, we built our three floors houses, refrigerators are bursting with food,” such comments are quite often distributed on the net.
But the data recently published by Ria Rating say that in the Republic of Mordovia only 7.77% of families can afford a new car (and even then on credit).
And in connection with the law, which allowed to take cars “for military needs”, it became even more dangerous to buy a car, because it could be stolen by the occupying state, and the buyer would have to pay the loan in full, and for this, perhaps even go to war as “soldier of fortune”
In the purchasing power rating, Mordovia ranks 75th out of all the lands controlled by the Kremlin. Newly seized lands are not taken into account, since there the calculation is fraught for people who calculate with knife under the rib or meeting with a “bumblebee” in the elevator.
And these are the data of the media, controlled by the authorities, which means that the reality is embellished, and very embellished. Although, this is too soft characteristic. They simply lie, hoping that they will somehow increase the level of the feeling of “greatness” and the advantages of life in the empire. Divide all the numbers in half, and in some cases even by four.
Rating for other republics:
Mari El – 70
Chuvashia – 65
Udmurtia – 54
Bashkortostan – 37
Tatarstan – 29
Do you know who is in the top five? Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Territory, Magadan Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Territory, Moscow.
That is, with the exception of Moscow, the leaders in terms of purchasing power of cars are precisely those regions where there are almost no roads, and there is no one to check the data. Do you remember how, during the Direct Line, Putin taunted a resident of such a region where there were no roads, and asked why he bought a car if there was nowhere to drive?
Moscow, moreover, turned out to be already in 5th place, and not in 1st.
Stop saying “stop feeding Moscow” – we are actually being robbed to the skin by Yamal and Chukotka – stop feeding them.
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