Peaceful rally and the laws of the occupation authorities: what should we do?

Peaceful rally and the laws of the occupation authorities: what should we do?

The occupation authorities and their henchmen can change any law to suit themselves. Therefore, no matter how much we try not to break their “law”, we will never succeed. For them, even the fact that we do not consider ourselves part of the Russians is already a violation of the law. There is no point in obeying their rules. We will violate them in any case. If we do not break them when they are in effect, the laws will be changed retroactively, and we will still turn out to be violators.

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The State Duma wants to consider a law on mandatory advertising in Russian

The State Duma wants to consider a law on mandatory advertising in Russian

Russians and Mankurts constantly tell us, “Your languages are widely used and well developed in your republics, so why do you want to break away from Russia?” And now even advertising will be only in Russian. In this way they are going to protect the Russian language from foreign influence. For example, from Arabisms, Persianisms, Turkisms, etc. It is worth remembering that for them we are also like foreigners, only bonded ones.

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With big numbers on the duped head

With big numbers on the duped head

Midhat Shaghiakhmetov, the head of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, told the beautiful statistics that only he knows where it was taken from. Allegedly in 4 years, Tatarstan allocated 51 billion rubles to the national projects.

Firstly, this is very little, given that Tatarstan gives from 600 million to 1.2 trillion of his money to Moscow, for which they could  build new Emirates.

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The Russian Orthodox Church in Tatarstan scolds “Tatars and ped*rasts”

The Russian Orthodox Church in Tatarstan scolds “Tatars and ped*rasts”

The Church of the Epiphany in Yegoryevo is famous not only because the poet Derzhavin was baptized there. Rumors about the disgusting behavior of the superior, Archpriest Pavel Matveev, have been circulating in the Laishevsky district for a long time, but now they have reached the prosecutor’s office. On January 27, residents of Kaipy, Sokury, Berezovka, as well as Yugary Karmachy (Upper Karmachy) and Tuben Karmachy (Lower Karmachy) turned to the prosecutor of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildus Nafikov with a request to find justice for the unruly priest. Tatar Scout talks about this.

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Progress of the USA and the West against the “decaying” Russia: space achievements and creative freedom

While billionaires in Russia appear only by plundering resources and earning money from wars, and then try to take their fortune abroad and live comfortably there, in the “decaying West” they either become billionaires, driving progress, or, having already become a billionaire, a person invests huge amounts of money into science, so as not to lose, but to increase his capital, bringing benefit along the way.

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Khabirov whines of being tired of opening hospitals in the northeast of the republic

Khabirov whines of being tired of opening hospitals in the northeast of the republic

Firstly, why on earth is he participating in this at all, if he seems to be the head of the republic, and not the minister of health? Does he not have anything else to do? These are ordinary hospitals, and not some kind of super-achievement that has never existed before (although everything is leading to the fact that the opening of a hospital will be considered a super-achievement). And Khabirov himself is in no way involved in the organization and arrangement of these hospitals.

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Denazification or de-imperialization (decolonization) of Russia

Denazification or de-imperialization (decolonization) of Russia

Denazification (cleansing of Nazism) is a set of measures aimed at cleansing German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, education, law and politics from the influence of Nazi ideology after World War II. As Professor Jan Philipp Fürchtegott Reemtsma, one of the leading figures of modern German public opinion, has noted, the importance of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal trial was that it established the tradition that political motive does not justify crime. Because most of the defendants tried to blame Hitler and the regime he established and expressed remorse. However, this vindication and repentance did not prevent Albert Speer, Hitler’s favorite architect, from being sentenced to 20 years in prison.

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The Rosgvardia (The Russian Guard) is asked not to terrorize Muslims – after all, they are already loyal to Moscow

The Rosgvardia (The Russian Guard) is asked not to terrorize Muslims – after all, they are already loyal to Moscow

Mufti Ravil-Hazrat Pancheev, Chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of St. Petersburg and the North-Western Region of Russia, appealed to Viktor Zolotov, the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, asking not to persecute Muslims in Russia and not to conduct illegal raids. The text of the appeal was published by blogger Islam Belokiev.

The mufti expressed his deep gratitude to the Russian Guard and personally Zolotov  “for their selfless service to the Motherland in this difficult time.”

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A volunteer from Kazan disclosed information about training at the Russian Special Forces University in Gudermes

A volunteer from Kazan disclosed information about training at the Russian Special Forces University in Gudermes

During the training at the Russian Special Forces University, there were only two classes on shooting and one, theoretical class, on ambushes. After this, the fighters were placed onto a plane and sent to the military operation zone, according to the diary of Rasul Taspenov from Kazan, who did not serve in the army,  who in the autumn of 2022 went to fight in Ukraine through the Akhmat special forces. The Kavkaz Uzel (Caucasian Knot) tells about this.

As the publication wrote, Ramzan Kadyrov, the gauleiter of Chechnya, regularly reports on sending groups of fighters to Ukraine. On December 13, he stated that Chechnya had fulfilled the plan for partial mobilization by 1,500%. On December 23, 2023, he reported on sending the next group of fighters to the military operation zone.

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