In Kuldym, they waited 20 years for the road to the cemetery to be repaired.

In Kuldym, they waited 20 years for the road to the cemetery to be repaired.

They have waited until right now, when Russia very generously distributes death to everyone.

They did not just wait – it was 20 years ago that Russian officials assured that it would be repaired. They have kept their word, only now they expect in return that the residents of the Staroshaigovsky district will go and die in the war for joy, thus thanking them for the road.

The so-called “People’s Front” (whose people?) has already invited all local residents to sign for Putin. It is unlikely that these signatures solve anything, but it is symbolic: he has been in power for 20 years and has not done anything good, and as soon as more cannon fodder was needed, they immediately have repaired the road to the cemetery and ask people to be grateful – now they will not have to drag the dead along knee-deep in mud.


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