“Every Russian liberal is sure to be an emperor to their bones”: Arkadii Babchenko speaks on Russia’s attitude towards the indigenous peoples and ideas of the borders.
What do you consider to be the borders of the Motherlanad? The issue is not so simple, taking into consideration the fact that in the RF, they impose the imperial view of motherland, and it is acceptable if the borders of the empire are revised from time to time. A lot of Russians recklessly repeat propaganda slogans, not giving a thought that those to be on charge will be their children, if not children, grandchildren for sure. The famous Russian journalist Arkadii Babchenko, who left for a safe place a lon time ago, wrote a piece how Russian liberal treated the other peoples, namely the indigenous peoples in the RF. Consequently, the question arises if it is worth dealing with such people. Here is his story, shortened to some degree.
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