The imperials want to send Ramilya Saitova to the colony for 5 years

The imperials want to send Ramilya Saitova to the colony for 5 years

Not taking into account that she has already been in a pre-trial detention center since May 16. And it is completely groundless. But not from the orcs’ point of view. Ramilya called on the Bashkorts not to fight for a foreign empire.

Standing up for one`s people is one of the most terrible crimes against Russia. The next meeting of the court (this is definitely not a court, there are no courts in this under-country, since there is no legal system) will take place on December 21.

P.S. Meanwhile, in Kazan on December 10 from 13.10 to 13.40 a picket against serious crimes against journalists is planned in Tinchurin small park. The local occupation authorities previously approved the picket, but the very essence of the fact that in this state one must beg permission to protest by bowing to the occupiers is already a serious crime.


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