Rapid decline of population in Bashkortostan
According to News 102, referring to data published by Rosstat (t/n: Federal State Statistics Service), the population in Bashkortostan is declining rapidly and two factors are worsening simultaneously — birth and death rate.
Reportedly, in February 2,798 children were born in Bashkortostan, which is 185 less than in February of 2021. The decline rate is the most rapid among all the Povolzhye (t/n: Volga Region) regions. The birth rate even increased in four other regions.
The death rate in Bashkortostan is also growing – 4,755 people died in February, which is 364 more than in February of 2021. According to the absolute index, the region is in third place in Povolzhye with only Nizhny Novgorod region and Tatarstan surpassing it.
This trend is the same all over Russia. The birth rate in February has decreased by 1% (101,000 children born), and the death rate has significantly increased – by 10% (190,600 people dead). The report, therefore, claims that the natural population decline in the country has surpassed 90,000 people in one month.
In connection with the decline of population in Bashkortostan, here is a reminder on the official data, made public by the marionette government, on the occupation forces casualties – specifically, in the Idel-Ural republics (as of April 1, 2022):
Bashkortostan — 25
Tatarstan — 24
Udmurtia — 11
Mari El — 6
Chuvashia — 6
Mordovia — 1
Information on the real casualties of Russian occupation forces in Ukraine is a Russian Federation state secret.
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