Teleconference between two colonies of Moscow
Pupils of gymnasium № 8 from the Chuvash Çĕmĕrle Shumerli taught schoolchildren of school № 1 from Ukrainian Melitopol via videoconference how to disassemble and assemble a machine gun, how to put on a combined arms defense kit. That is, the children of the participants in the attack on Ukraine showed Ukrainian children their skills in preparing for the seizure of foreign countries. Also, gymnasium students from Chuvashia told why Ukrainian heroes should not be heroes for Ukrainian children, why they should not speak Ukrainian, and also explained to them that Ukrainian children should only have Russian heroes – just as now only Russian heroes are imposed on Chuvash children.
Some Chuvash schoolchildren sat at the “desks of heroes” – that is, their dads died when they tried to kill these Ukrainian children and their parents during the seizure of the territory.
In short, the Janissaries participate in the creation of new Janissaries in new territories.
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