Seamstresses for the Reich

Seamstresses for the Reich

“… in the Russian Song Theater … our new entities of the country are Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions … we are one nation who live by the same traditions and belong to the same civilization.” The imperial gauleiter is already openly saying that there are no Chuvashs, that there are no indigenous peoples at all up to Kamchatka, but there is “one Russian nation.” There are no Chuvash traditions, no Chuvash culture – nothing. There are just Russian Ivans-fools, on whom NKVD priests ride to Kremlin paradise.

He could have said, “many peoples and one state,” or what Indonesia’s slogan is, “unity in diversity,” but no—there can’t be many peoples in a Nazi-fascist system. There should be only one people, and only this “one people” can be “united”.

This is already 100500 mention of this card of “unity” by Nikolaev alone. Apparently, the orcs embroider it very laboriously – they know that they will then sew it to the case, they try to make it beautiful.


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