Padishah’s son
The Chechen authorities officially and publicly confirmed that Adam, Ramzan Kadyrov’s 15-year-old son, had indeed beaten Nikita Zhuravel, who was accused of burning the Qur’an, in Groznyi’s pre-trial detention center. Chechen officials openly supported this act, and Eva Merkacheva, HRC member, asked the Federal Penitentiary Service to take Zhuravel out of Chechnya as soon as possible.
Burning the Qur’an, the holy book of Muslims, is certainly a vile act. Similar to burning the Bible by the adherents of Mohammed. To be honest, I somehow do not recall such attempts on the part of Muslims, they do not consider spitting into the soul of a non-believer a worthy weapon. They are trying to work in this direction by other methods. My mother, for example, told how my grandfather, during his period of living surrounded by Russian-speaking Orthodox neighbors (even in atheistic Soviet times), explained to all minor family members that on church holidays, like Christian Easter, one should dress in everything clean and not do any work, especially in front of Christians.
Neighbors with other faiths should be respected, their religion taken into account when communicating and not blaspheming any manifestations of their faith.
I still use the advice of the deceased ancestor, because I did not find convincing arguments against such an approach to a foreign religion. For the same reason, I cannot agree with the arguments of the Europeans who say that for the sake of the democratic pursuit of freedom of speech, one should not take into account the emotions of Muslims. “He will not feel sorry for either mother or father for the sake of a beautiful word!” says a Russian proverb. “No other God, no other faith!” we will add. It is not our principle, and it cannot lead to anything good, because the path from the comedians from the French Charlie Hebdo to A. B. Breivik, the Norwegian chauvinist terrorist, in my opinion, although indirect, is not very long either.
But, in fact, the conversation is not about that. The conversation is not even about the Russian follower of the Norwegian fascist. The Russian Zhuravel, the defiler of the Qur’an, should certainly suffer a legal, court-appointed punishment for inciting hatred on religious grounds. There are no questions here. I want to address the discussion on the topic of procedure.
Excuse me for my curiosity, but how did the 15-year-old son of R. Kadyrov got into the secure institution? Does he have a right of access defined by the law? If so, please state his position, history of appointment, powers. Or did the young man got into a pre-trial detention center as the crown prince of Chechnya, who has special rights from the moment of birth? Why did minor Adam Kadyrov start beating Zhuravel, who was kept in the detention center? Are such methods of influence already allowed in the penitentiary system of the Chechen Republic? Why did none of the officials who were nearby during the “visit” stop him? And most importantly, why did the leadership – both republican vertically (political) and horizontally (departmental), and federal – reacted to the incident indifferently and dispassionately? Even worse, there have been attempts to justify this fact of open and demonstrative lawlessness. After carefully reading the opinion of the Russian press, one gets the impression that we are being instilled with the thought: ino problem, this is Chechnya, they have their own laws there, we should not tell them what to do! The main thing is that Chechens today are loyal soldiers of Putin!
This is where the ends meet – the hand washes the hand! The lawless Russian regime allows the lawless Chechen padishah to do terrible things in exchange for loyalty.
After all, we all have long known that things much worse than the beaten Zhuravel have become the norm in Chechnya. In the republic, dissenting voices, dissidents, members of the LGBT community, and simply political competitors of the Kadyrov clan are brutally persecuted and subjected to atrocities The institute of “hostages” from family members of the disobedients, apostates, Protestants is working to its fullest. Some people simply disappear without a trace.
It is outrageous and unacceptable that the Kadyrov Republic is already presented as the example to follow for other regions of the Russian Federation. It is approved as the model of successful management, the kind of “effective management” in places where the Muslim population is in the majority.
With all the ostentatious loyalty of rais Minnikhanov to the Kremlin masters, in Tatarstan, such a model, glory be to Allah, does not work yet! And hopefully it will not work. Kidnappings of dissidents’ relatives, torture by the police, rape of detained women – family members of disobedients, missing people … No, I do not wish this to the Tatars. I just say that I will protest against such a trend in Russian politics in every possible way. But you, fellow countrymen, please, do not sleep, do not miss the moment, otherwise you will not even have time to look back, as the son of the padishah will personally come to the pre-trial detention center to beat you or your brother, son. And not necessarily for the burned Qur’an. Maybe he just did not like your face or you did not have time to fall on your knees in front of him.
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