Numbers that are symptoms of the deadly disease of the Bashkirs and the Bashkir language?

They are quoted by The Same One from Bashkort Telegram channel.
1. Population dynamics:
— According to the 2010 census, about 1.15 million people in Russia spoke the Bashkir language.
— The 2021 census showed a decrease in this number to approximately 977,000 people.
2. Percentage:
— In 2010, about 74% of ethnic Bashkirs claimed to speak the Bashkir language.
— By 2021, this figure has dropped to approximately 67%.
3. Use in daily life:
— Despite the fact that many indicate the language proficiency, its actual use in daily life is much lower.
— According to some estimates, less than half of the ethnic Bashkirs actively use the Bashkir language in daily life.
4. Age structure:
— Among the older generation, the percentage of those who is proficient and speak the Bashkir language is higher.
— There is a tendency among young people to decrease the active use of language.
5. Total number of schools:
— According to some data, in the early 2000s in Bashkortostan there were about 800-900 schools where the Bashkir language was taught as the native language.
— By the 2010s, this number had dropped to approximately 500-600 schools.
6. Schools with education in the Bashkir language:
— In the early 2000s, there were about 300-350 schools teaching most subjects in the Bashkir language.
— By 2015-2016, their number had decreased to approximately 200-250 schools.
7. Rural schools:
— Most schools teaching in the Bashkir language are located in rural areas.
— The process of optimizing rural schools in the 2000-2010s led to the closure of many small schools, which especially affected Bashkir schools.
8. City schools:
— In cities, the number of schools teaching in the Bashkir language has always been smaller and continues to decline.
— In Ufa, the capital of Bashkortostan, the number of such schools can be counted on fingures.
9. Change in the status of schools:
— Many schools with a full cycle of education in the Bashkir language were transferred to partial teaching or to the status of schools with in-depth study of the Bashkir language.
10. Trends in recent years:
— After 2018, when the decision was made to voluntarily study native languages, there has been a further decrease in the number of hours of teaching the Bashkir language and the number of schools with its in-depth study.
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