Mordovian officials announced the start of three pilot classes with Erzya and Moksha languages of instruction
Experimental multilingual classes with Russian, Erzya/Moksha, English languages of instruction may appear in Saransk.
Such events are announced in the draft of the government program titled “Maintenance and development of national culture, state language in the Republic of Mordovia and other languages in the Republic of Mordovia”.
“Various activities will be performed by program participants within these events: in the field of education, for example, the program provides for the establishment of experimental multilingual Russian, Mordovian (Erzya/Moksha), English languages of instruction on the base of gymnasium №19, schools №13 and №24; Setting up of training programs on Erzya/Moksha languages for the general public, etc”.
The exact model of “multilingual studies”, as well as correlation 3 or even 4 languages, is not disclosed. Among others, the program provides for “creation and promotion of electronic media using Erzya/Moksha languages, using modern informational technologies for protection and development of the linguistic and cultural heritage of the republic”.
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