Gerasimov pledged to occupy Donbas. The limit on slaughter is 5K Russian soldiers’ heads in 4 days

On March 31, Telegram channel “SVR General”, media outlet promoting fakes and propaganda, the so called “former KGB officers’ dump”, informed that Vladimir Putin had convened the video conference with Nikolay Patrushev, Valeriy Gerasimov, Sergey Shoigu, Aleksandr Bortnikov, Sergey Naryshkin and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov who joined later.
During the conference, after discussing key issues on the warfare in Ukraine, Putin gave the following preliminary instructions: continuing the military build in Donbas and amassing more Russian troops and weapons there without giving a chance to Ukrainian forces to send reinforcements to Donbas, launching airstrikes on civil infrastructure of Ukraine, making an attempt to occupy all territory of Donbas and Luhansk Oblasts in 3-4 days by massive offensive attack of troops and weapons and if possible further advancing in Kharkiv Oblast.
Given that the plan is successful, the General Staff estimates the casualties among Russian military can be up to 5K soldiers. The Head of the Russian General Staff Valeriy Gerasimov literally staked his life on the success of this military operation if Putin gives the final order to put the plan into action. Putin’s prior approval means that he gave orders to take all necessary steps to prepare for this military operation in no time.
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