Fighters of Caucasian origin are to be disseminated among Russian troops

Among numerous spoils of war, the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured the manual discussing the methods used by the political commissar.
There is one noteworthy instruction in the manual that reads: “specifics of working with fighters of Northern Caucasian origin”. It specifies that more than 3% of fighters of Northern Causausian in the troop unit is alarming and unacceptable. If this is the case, the morale officer should promptly communicate it to the command and request further actions to be taken. Apparently, it means that fighters of Caucasian origin should be disseminated among Russian troops to reduce their potential impact.
However, segregation in the Russian army is not a new phenomenon. The research center for safety environment “Prometheus” revealed the facts that the Russian military command decided to significantly cut the number of Nakh conscripts. The experts explain that it can be related to ethnic acts of violence and ethnic harassment in the Russian army. It is also linked with the situation in the region where the armed underground resistance movement committed sabotage acts against the public authorities and public agencies.
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