Elders council of erzya people publicly support ukrainians from the territory of RF

One of the most abundant Finno-Ugric ethnicities of the Russian Federation, Erzya people, residing predominantly in the Republic of Mordovia, expressed their solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The corresponding statement was published on the official wed-site of the national movement: http://inyazoro.info/
Erzyas stand with the people of Ukraine!
On 24 February the Russian army attacked Ukraine. For 12 days already Russian bombs and missiles have been murdering civilian people in Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mariupol and other peaceful Ukrainian cities. Thousands of Ukrainians died, thousands were maimed. However, Russia itself sustained the most considerable maim: its soul was ripped away.
We believe that this war is invasive and unfair.
Hatred and bloodlust are unacceptable. Time will pass and Russian Federation will condemn this war and the Russian leaders – just like the modern Germans condemn Hitler and the conquesting war of the Third Reich
However, that will follow. Today Russia’s soul has been torn off. Today, millions are silent and do not even look for an explanation for themselves why the bakery destroyed by a Russian rocket in the town of Makarov near Kiev is a forced step.
In this dark time of shame and innocent bloodshed, we, the elders of Atyan Ezem, on behalf of the Erzya people declare the following:
1. The Erzyans condemn this predatory and unjust war.
2. We demand from the leadership of the Russian Federation to withdraw troops from Ukraine immediately.
3. We call upon the Erzya brothers, who may end up in the Russian army, to find any way not to go to Ukraine. Those who have already crossed the state border of Ukraine with weapons in their hands – stop participating in the bloodshed.
You will gain neither honor nor glory in this war.
For the sake of the future of the Erzya people, for the sake of peace, we declare:
Erzya people are with Ukrainians!
Ukrainian people, you are on your territory and this war is for your motherland!
The truth is on your side, so the victory is yours!
In 2020 Erzyas adopted the system of national representative bodies following the example of Krym Tatar. It enshrines Iniazor (Senior Chief) as the representative of Erzya people and speaker on their behalf. Promks, the assembly of delegates from Erzya political parties and public associations, supervises the national movement. Atian Ezem (Erzia, “Elders Council”) forms the assembly, which comes into force in between the delegates assembly convocation, and elects the Iniazor. The current Iniazor of Erzya people is Syres Bolaen. At the present time, he and a group of Erzia volunteers are fighting against the Russian Federation Armed Forces on the territory of Ukraine as members of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces.
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