Do not gamble with the state

I think, dear compatriots, that you are not children, and have long understood: it does not matter who, what says and promises in political matters. It matters what DOES! For politicians, any conversation, any speech, is like a game of cards. He simply picks the best card to make a profitable move, not to lose, to strengthen or at least not to lose a stable position. The stakes in such a game of politicians are the terms and conditions of his stay in power. Up to the light bulb, what says Minnikhanov, agreeing to make changes to the Constitution and renouncing the transition period! He is making a move that prolongs his political well-being in the system of Russian power structure.
In 1992, the entire people of Tatarstan expressed their opinion on the sovereignty of the Republic, which is enshrined in its Basic Law. And recently President R. Minnikhanov, arbitrarily interpreting his powers, made a decision contrary to the popular will. Although this step was formalized as a “wish of the workers”, adopted “for the benefit of the entire Tatar people”. Our deputies of the State Council, of course, approved and supported such a “feint with their ears”. But please pay attention – not immediately.
With the rejection of the amendments to the Constitution of Tatarstan, a brilliant cheating “plot” was played on the roles. Initially, the proposed proposal “did not find approval” among the united ranks of the deputies – 8 staunch defenders of popular interests spoke out against it. But then the fooled public was presented with the ultimate course of political gambling. The stake of the Tatar people in this game was beaten by a false ace in the last, determining circle: the winner was announced loudly, pre-prepared speakers delivered speeches of praise, fed journalists spoke in the media on behalf of the whole people, and the people… The people, as has often been the case, were forced to swallow the declared power nonsense in silence. Well, what to do, not go to the barricades because of this unpleasant episode in the political life of the Republic of Tatarstan. The fact that the Tatars have lost their sovereignty and citizenship, it is not noticeable in everyday life, it is possible to live on… And on the “box” they say that it’s nothing, it’s normal. Like an old Soviet joke. If the commander sends a subordinate to “such a mother” and threatens to rot at the headquarters, the marshal must explain to the private soldiers that the leadership has made an offer to temporarily withdraw some distance and not interfere with the activities carried out for the common good. That’s how our media explained everything to the Tatars, saying, everything, for your own sake, stupid, good.
Paying attention to the arguments of the official Kazan, pouring a wide stream from the screens of the central and local TV channels, the Tatar, who for once, was drawn against his will into a gambling information game with the authorities. But, as you know, playing with the state in such games is very dangerous, and it is impossible to win! The trump of the drum in the middle of the game can suddenly, by the will of the power, turn into worms. And there is no guarantee that by the end of the party he will not be, again, baptized. And if a simple Tatar of the people starts, packs of tea, at the card table to win, then, with a great deal of probability, will be declared a cheater, and in general an enemy. And he starts to crack – he will get a blow to the head with a National Guard chandelier from his “partners” for his “fraud”. And then from the unfortunate Tatar “cartier” they will still demand satisfaction, but not at a duel, as was previously established, but through a court. And we have, as you know, “the fairest and most humane court in the world”. If you do not believe it, you can ask R. Kashapov, he felt this truth well on his skin.
Dear compatriots, do not forget the main rule that can protect you from fiasco in the game with such “partners”, as Rais and the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. The rule is the same as 500 years ago: don’t sit down and play with them, don’t place bets and don’t pick up cards. Fucked on two counts! They’ll be fooled, and then they’ll be framed. That’s why they’re cheaters, even though they occupy high offices in Kazan.
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