Demographic war: the colonies strike at Moscow

The population in Russia decreased by 1.2 million people or by 0.83%. This happened due to a sharp death rate increase while slowing down the influx of migrants. In the country as a whole, in 2021 the number of deaths exceeded the number of births by 1.7 times, RIA Novosti reports in its study of the demographic rating of Russian regions. One of the main reasons is the coronavirus epidemic.
Total population growth (indicators of natural and migration increase / decrease from 2019 to 2021 are taken into account):
1. Sevastopol (+17.8%)
2. Republic of Ingushetia (+5.4%)
3. Chechen Republic (+4.1%)
4. Leningrad Region (+3.4%)
5. Adygea (+2.99%)
6. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (+2.6%)
7. Kaliningrad region (+2.5%)
8. Republic of Tyva (+2.5%)
9. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra (+2.3%)
10. Moscow Region (+2.2%)
78. Saratov region (-3.27%)
79. Omsk region (-3.33%)
80. Penza region (-3.34%)
81. Oryol region (-3.43%)
82. Tambov region (-3.44%)
83. Smolensk region (-3.45%)
84. Kurgan region (-3.5%)
85. Jewish Autonomous Region (-3.8%)
The highest natural increase was Dagestan (+82.2 thousand people), due to migration – the Moscow region (+274.4 thousand people).
The highest natural decline was the Moscow region (-103.1 thousand people), due to migration – the Omsk region (-30.13 thousand people).
The overall increase in population due to both natural and migration growth occurred in seven regions, including the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Tyumen Region, Ingushetia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Altai Republic, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
The largest absolute loss of inhabitants was recorded in the Saratov region – 78.9 thousand people, the Nizhny Novgorod region – 70.3 thousand, the Kemerovo region – 69.9 thousand, the Omsk region – 64.6 thousand, the Altai Territory – 64.6 thousand people.
In general, the excess of mortality over the birth rate was observed in 72 territories of the federation.
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