Day of mourning of the Bashkort nation

Day of mourning of the Bashkort nation

On January 24, 1736, punishers brutally exterminated 1,000 residents of a large village. On August 15, 1740, near Orenburg, Tatishchev burned the captured Bashkorts (he loved to burn people on the fire). Russia has been raiding Bashkortostan and the nations of Asia (Aria) for decades. In 1773, Salavat Yulaev and Emelyan Pugachev defeated Catherine’s gangs. For 99 years Russia did not dare to appear in Idel-Ural. At the end of the ХІХ century, the gangs returned and the Russian yoke was established.

By the ХХІ century, Bashkortostan is losing 2/3 of its population. And the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg has tripled. They eat the stolen goods and fuck. (c) pkmkpk

Tatishchev also participated in the wars against Ukrainian, Moldavian and Swedish nations, however, like any Russian liberal, he loved to travel around the “decaying” Europe – he went to study military affairs. It was Tatishchev who laid the foundation for the transformation of Ural into a complete environmental disaster, starting to actively develop geological mining here – which the Bashkorts immediately opposed. That is why he killed them. Several centuries have passed, and Moscow is still killing the Bashkorts in order to steal natural resources.

He perceived any dissent as undermining the entire existing state system, as a direct challenge to Peter’s reforms in general, and almost as a personal insult. He personally participated in the torture of prisoners according to “the word and deed of the sovereign.”

What Tatishchev himself wrote about the imperial policy of the Kremlin, “For thousands of years, nations mixed while moving, sometimes they grew in number due to captives and conquered people, sometimes, through captivity and possession from others, they were forced to change their language and leave it, therefore, by language, a nation is considered other than what they really are. Therefore, it would be more accurate to say that all the Sarmatians and Tatars, who are conquered and have come from other nations long ago, having changed their language and faith, according to the language now used, consider themselves Slavs or Russians from ancient times.”

Streets in Силәбе (Chelyabinsk), Buribay and in the Orenburg region are named after him – this is how the punisher was immortalized on Bashkort land. For his very active participation in the “final suppression of Bashkiria” – as Biron wrote in the order, sending him to command punitive detachments.


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