Climatic consequences of Russia’s existence
Russia vehemently denies the modern climate agenda aimed at countering global climate change and global warming. It denies, because concern for the environment in the colonies will not allow Moscow to receive unbelievable profits. The Kremlin has come up with a story that only competitors in resource extraction are concerned about environmental issues – supposedly they simply want to “move” Russia out of this niche of the world economy.
But this is just an excuse to pacify the crowd. Therefore, natural disasters, droughts, hurricanes, floods, large-scale forest fires, locust invasions, desertification, severe frosts will occur more and more often – after all, the Kremlin itself will not worry about the consequences of its activities on the environment.
Many people refer to the bitter cold of winter as an argument for the absence of global warming, but they do not see the whole picture: winters are becoming shorter and colder, and sudden frosts can increasingly occur even in the middle of summer. Summer is becoming longer and drier.
While half of the countries of the world are trying to take care of the environment, others are ruining everything, chasing only profit. For example, Venezuela has officially lost all 6 of its glaciers – just in the ХХI century. Venezuela, which under the rule of Maduro is an ally of the Kremlin and, just like Russia, denies global warming and only increases barbaric oil production, spending money only on extraction, and not a penny is allocated to eliminate the consequences. But we live on the same planet – global warming will affect everyone. Including Moscow, which thinks it can exploit its colonies with impunity. It is already affected, after all, before it was impossible to even think about a tornado in Moscow.
The video shows another tornado in Bashkortostan. Nearby, in the Caspian regions, there is a new invasion of locusts. And soon there will be a new season of massive forest fires.
Bashkortostan, Russia, ecology, money
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