Chuvash people, remember, while you are defending the Russian language in Ukraine, it is being defended on your native land by Russian authorities.

Chuvash people, remember, while you are defending the Russian language in Ukraine, it is being defended on your native land by Russian authorities.

Do you remember, in Chuvashia, the day before the Republic Day, at the interregional pedagogical forum “Pyrlyhre-way”, teachers asked the head of Chuvashia Oleg Nikolayev to increase the number of teaching the nstive language hours in the republic’s schools? Here is the result: teaching the Cuvash language in village schools of the republic is being made two hours shorter. 

According to the data of the Ministry of education, in 2021-2022 school year there are 417 educational establishments in Chuvashia attended by more than 147 thousand people. 94% of these study in russian, only 6% study in Chuvashian.

Currently in Russian colonies the so called national battalions are being formed. In particular, in Chuvashia the “Atal” battalion has been formed. The “Atal” soldiers of fortune clame that they are going to Ukraine to save the Russian language.


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