Brechalov boasted of the Soviet genocide of the Udmurt nation

Brechalov boasted of the Soviet genocide of the Udmurt nation

The occupation gauleiter of Udmurtia wrote a solemn post in his Telegram channel that they managed to find one of the girls whom Soviet propaganda filmed for a staged photo in the newspaper, where they wrote pretentious feuilletons about the hard labor construction of the Izhkar-Balezino railway.

The whole village was looking for warm clothes for the girl, because she worked exclusively in light, shabby cast-offs, even in winter as she had nothing else, and Brechalov himself mentioned this fact. He did not mention the most important thing. The fact that it was hard labor of slaves, and thus the Soviet authorities carried out genocide of the Udmurt nation, destroying their future – their children.

There is not a single reason why children’s labor should have been exactly slave labor. Even if it were not really possible to involve adults due to their employment with other work or participation in the war, it would have been possible to bring many more children from all over the USSR, provide normal conditions and organize shift work.

But no one was going to do this, because Moscow not only did not give a damn about Udmurt children, but also dreamed of reducing the number of Udmurts as much as possible or making as many Udmurts as possible weak, frail, intimidated from childhood and incapable of fighting the empire.

In addition, the adult and able to work population of Udmurtia was not sent to this construction site also because they were needed to provide everything necessary not only for the soldiers at the front, but also for the comfort of the population of Muscovy. Especially for the party apparatus, senior army ranks and their families. The situation is the same as with the artificially organized famine in Leningrad, when Soviet party members were fattening and Leningrad inhabitants were dying of hunger. Leningrad produced and supplied shells to all sectors of the front on an industrial scale, and they told us about its blockade. About the blockade, from where one can transport wagons of shells, but he cannot bring food to the people.

Was there an attempt somewhere within historical Muscovy to organize the slave labor of the local children? Of course not. Was there at least one famine within historical Muscovy before or after World War II? No, there was not even a simple famine due to wars, let alone an artificial one. When Muscovites from those territories say that they also had famine, they mean slightly smaller rations, and not a complete lack of food and the whip of an overseer over them or being in the crosshairs of a guard’s rifle.

It is just worth reminding that while Udmurt child convicts were building this road, and large-scale meat grinders were going on along the entire western front, the entire 3 Soviet armies, supported by 1000 tanks, were in Soviet-occupied Iran from August 25, 1941 to May 1946. Three Soviet armies. Not regiments, not battalions, not even divisions. Armies! An army consists of several divisions, and a division consists of 15,000 – 16,000 people! In Iran, they also organized an artificial famine lasting 2 years! While Moscow was talking about the “sacred war” and “exorbitant feats” of defense against the Nazis.

It is these armies that could work at this construction site, and not be in the foreign country and kill the Iranian population simply because they did not want to be occupied by Moscow, which dreamed of access to the Indian Ocean since the time of Catherine II – “we will wash our boots in the warm seas.” (с).

The dying out of children and old people in Udmurtia is something that Brechalov is proud of today. Something that Moscow is proud of today. It is not just proud, it laughs at the grief of the Udmurt nation.


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