Why Moscow, having turned Bashkortostan into a colony, is willing to give small handouts to Bashkirs — just to send them to war.

Why Moscow, having turned Bashkortostan into a colony, is willing to give small handouts to Bashkirs — just to send them to war.

The potential value of mineral resources in the Republic of Bashkortostan is estimated at $153 billion. The main resources of the region include oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore, and other minerals.

In comparison, the total estimated value of Ukraine’s explored mineral resources is approximately $14.8 trillion. The majority of this value is attributed to coal reserves (62%) and iron ore (14%).

Thus, the estimated value of Ukraine’s mineral resources far exceeds that of Bashkortostan, due to Ukraine’s larger and more diverse mineral reserves.

This explains why Moscow, having turned Bashkortostan into a colony, is willing to offer small handouts to each Bashkir, as long as they go to fight for its interests. At stake is $14.8 trillion — and that is only the estimated value of explored mineral deposits. There are still those that remain largely unexplored, such as gas hydrates on the Black Sea shelf within Ukrainian waters and shale gas reserves in the Donetsk-Dnipro geological depression formed during the Paleozoic era. Moreover, it is impossible to quantify the profits from other economic sectors and human resources.


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