While foreign agents are being hunted down throughout the Russian Federation, Radiy Khabirov leads them into the Kurultai of Bashkortostan

In September 2023, Jeff Monson, previously American and now Russian actor and athlete, former contender for the UFC heavyweight champion title, was “elected” to the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan. At the time of the so-called “election,” Monson was a USA citizen.
In fact, most likely, he still is, since dual citizenship is not prohibited. That is, a USA citizen will help send the residents of Bashkortostan to the war “against the USA”, but he will not go to there. It is worth reminding that now all migrants from other countries who have recently received passports are sent to the military registration and enlistment office, but not friends of the occupation authorities. Monson is “not the second-class citizen”, he should live. Is not this the tale that we hear from every TV set, that the Americans are fighting with the hands of the Ukrainians? It turns out here that the American is participating in a big scam to exterminate the population of the Republic. But his fellow countrymen, the locals, are labeled as foreign agents and enemies of the people, and their family members are kidnapped, imprisoned, intimidated, and forced to flee into exile.
Are the occupiers and their gauleiters simply mocking us all, or are they really so stupid and two-faced? Both.
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