Ukrainians in Bashkortostan protest against Russian aggression

“Hundreds, thousands of children both in Ukraine and in Russia will become orphans,” the statement claims.
Activists of the Ukrainian national and cultural center “Kobzar” in Bashkortostan issued the statement, condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
“Our brothers and sisters are getting bombed without any warning and provocation on their part by the Russian military forces, equipped with the latest weapons. They violated the borders of a peaceful country on February 24, 2022, at 5 am, causing hundreds of deaths among soldiers and civilians. It invokes insurmountable pain in our hearts. Hundreds, thousands of children both in Ukraine and in Russia will become orphans,” the statement claims.
It is also mentioned that this tragedy “for years will create a gap in relations between Ukrainians and Russians, between Ukraine and Russia”.
“We condemn the aggression and demand that Russia stops hostilities and sits down at the negotiating table to stop people’s deaths. We believe in the courage and invincibility of the Ukrainian people! – these words end the appeal signed by Vasyl Babenko and Volodymyr Doroshenko, the former and current chairman of the center, on behalf of “Kobzar”.
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